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rely on me.
i'm yours.

Kimmii K.
Self obsessed.
If I can't be beautiful, I'd rather just die.
You think she's so good but she's a mess to boot
You don't really want to know me.

Pervert(s) who's planning to watch porn later


I want The Trouble Ring by Boucheron.
I want The Trinity Ring by Cartier.
I want To travel to Venice.
I want To travel to Greece.
I want To return to the U.S.A.
I want Real Love.
I want To rule the world
I want To make them sorry.

not alone.

MusicPlaylistView Profile

alternative exits.

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my days, not yours.

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thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I can't believe me someone actually backstabbed me!(Not that it's that surprising though.)I found out just yesterday.That person actually typed in my c-box loud and clear.He or she entered that message on 26th November 2006,and I saw it only yesterday,27th November 2006.Let's scan through the message together.
1)Nickname is 'november'.
2)He/she said I 'act cute' by singing baby songs.
3)He/she typed in "****er" in the last line.
Ok,if YOU (the backstabber) are reading this,I would like to ask you a couple of questions.
1)If YOU had the guts to type in this message,why did YOU type in the name 'november'?Why?Is it so difficult to type in you REAL name?Is your real name 'november'?I don't think so!Want to say people like that,say it properly lah!Give your real name so I wouldn't go near you in school!
2)'Act cute' my foot!You don't like me singing then just get a bloody pair of earplugs!Avoid me or something!Nobody ask you to listen right?
3)What in the world is "****er"?Want to type a vulgarity,type properly too!What are you trying to infer stupid? Is it "fucker"?Or is it something else?Scared to say?

After scanning through the message of the backiestabberie,I infered something.The way the person type is more like a girl.More 'catfight' style.Riaow!
In the end,whoever it is,bugger off if you don't like me!Don't act all friendly in front of me and slap from behind.
Next topic now.I bought MCR's 'Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge' album last Saturday,25th November.It's really good,really addicting.
Also,I decided to remove the music as I found that it interferres with other music that might be playing.That's it for today!

9:42 PM

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color::Black
Hair Color::Brown,people say I dye my hair,but it's NATURAL!
Height::158cm the last time I checked
Favorite Color::Black,Blood,White
Screen Name::Diantha
Favorite Band::FFTL,MCR
Favorite Movie::Dunno.
Favorite Show::LOADS!!!
Your Car::O.o
Your Hometown::R U A STALKER?
Your Present Town::Don't ask...
Your Crushes First Name::O.o
Your Grade::What r u?The paparazzi?
Your Style::Emo,angsty...depends on ma mood though...
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?:Nope.
Kissed someone in the rain?:Nope.
Danced in a public place?:Someone says I did...
Smiled for no reason?:Hell ya!
Laughed so hard you cried?:Yes!!!
Peed your pants after age 8?:Nope.
Written a song?:Yes,a few.
Sang to someone for no reason?:Yup.
Performed on a stage?:Yes.
Talked to someone you don't know?:Erm...yea.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:I think so,maybe.
Made out in a theatre?:Nope.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?:Nope.
Been in love?:No.
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?:An EXTRA person.
Tell you, I love you?:My mother.
Kiss you?:My computer.
Hug you?:My mother.
Tell you BYE?:An EXTRA person.
Write you a note?:Hui Juan?
Take your photo?:Hui Juan???
Call your cell phone?:My mother...again...
Buy you something?:Myself...
Go with you to the movies?:My imaginary fwend.
Sing to you?:My imaginary fwend.
Write a poem about you?:Myself.
Text message you?:Hui Juan.
Touch you?:The Keyboard.
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?:Recently.
Time you cried?:Recently.
Movie you watched?:The Maid.
Joke you told?:Ping & Pong...
Song you've sang?:FFTL's Kiss Me I'm Contagious
Time you've looked at the clock?:Now.
Drink you've had?:HK Milk Tea
Number you've dialed?:Dunno...
Book you've read?:Everyone Worth Knowing.
Food you've eaten?:Chicken Rice.
Flavor of gum chewed?:Grape.
Shoes you've worn?:Converse!Woot!
Store you've been in?:Don't recall...
Thing you've said?:I said,"Don't recall"
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?:Yes,but u cant see when I write with my left hand.
Blow a bubble?:Yup.
Roll your tounge in a circle?:Yup.
Cross your eyes?:Yup.
Touch your tounge to your nose?:Nope.
Dance?:Hell YEA!!!Want to see me dance dance???
Stay up a whole night without sleep?:Can...
Speak a different language?:Yes.
Impersonate someone?:Of course!!!
Prank call people?:Yes!
Make a card pyramid?:Yup.
Cook anything?:Yes.
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...:person,I would be a person.
I wish ...:that I had a million more wishes.
So many people don't know that ...:I escaped from the mental hospital...Shh! Don't tell!
I am ...:PSYCHOTIC!!!
My heart is ...:in my body.
Take this survey | Find more surveys
Bzoink - The Original Survey Site

10:11 PM

Today,I went to JB.Basically,did nothing except have our lunch and walk around for abit.I went to a Hong Kong Cafe for lunch.Then jalan jalan,went to Popular to buy photo albums and that's it.Yup,that's all.A very xian day.Hmm,I didn't quite elaborate on the blogskin that I recently changed to yesterday.Well,it's a nice emo white blogskin.Emo-casual-whatever type of blogskin.It's good.I love changing blogskins!
Another thang,I'm currently updating my blog to give it a whole new angst.(Using word 'angst' in random situations.)I'm like changing blogskins,music,URl.Ya,changing my blog's character,you know what I mean.I changed my URl already. From 'www.hiampster-cute.blogspot.com' to my new spanking blog address.'www.eyes--wide--shut.blogspot.com'.I spent the whole night yesterday thinking about it.So,that's all.Tata!

8:13 PM

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Once again,a very big HI to those who are actually interested in my blog.
I havn't been updating regularly cuz,as I told you before,my mum DOES NOT ALLOW ME TO USE THE BLOODDY INTERNET.But today,I'm lucky.I managed to sneak into my blog thang :P
Hmm...I changed my blogskin again.This time,it's more to the emo side.Don't know why,just felt emo today.Seriously,I'm so darn emotional nowadays.I read finish a nice novel and felt like crying.Shit.Damn.You know how usually people read a book and upon finishing it,they reflect a little and then think,"I wanna go to parkway to shop!!!Mango offering 99.9% sales!!!"I'm not,I usually feel sad after finishing a book.Awww...Okay,back to describing the blogskin.It's emotional,duh.Okay,the song is by FFTL(the xtra xpensive CD),umm,the song title is 'kiss me,I'm contagious'.Cool huh?I know,I just <3 their band!Their songs are just omff!
Onto my dull holiday so far.I'm not allowed to go out totally and I'm not even allowed to go out with my friends to 'wild wild wet' this Thursday.Sorry pals :(
I know so far I'm like undercover,revealing nothing about me.If you want to know about me,my e-mail and whatever,just say so in the C-Box.(I doubt anyone will read my blog other than my frns,but what the heck!)
The pace that I wanna go now is Orchard Road,but it's 7:13pm now,how to go?Kk,enough of my shitty entry.God,I'm using loads of vulgar words nowadays.Got to go surf the net now.Bye bye!

7:08 PM

Monday, November 06, 2006

Hi guys...if you're even bothering to read this.I know,I know,I havn't been updating recently.That's cuz muah mother doesn't allow me to use the internet."That sucks."Ya.That totally sucks.So I've taken to the playstation2 outside.Ha!Strangely,my mum hasn't complained about that yet.
This isn't important,but I feel like writing this down on my blog,so...I bought the MCR Welcome to the Black Parade CD on 29th October,Sunday.I got it from HMV and they were selling it cheaper than anywhere else.Only $17.95.I wanted to buy the FFTL CD but get this,it costs a fkking $37.90!!!I was like."Xiao.There goes my CD."
My exam results were great!I got first in class and FIRST in the WHOLE LEVEL!But my overall marks were only a low 71.3 marks. 0.o
Which means I'm not smart but the rest of them...well...you know,just the opposite.
Ermz,the word for today is "EGG-TARTS".The magic number for today is the number 89.Don't ask me why I'm doing this,I just feel like doing this.Okay,brain breaking down.Oooo...Bye!See ya guys!

10:21 PM