Alrighty,this Topic Chironicles thingie is like wells,certain subjects.Ranging from Suicide to cheese.I'll talk about the subject.Got it?Even if you don't get it,just read.
This time,I'm going to do the subject Suicide.
Why do people,teens want to commit suicide?Most teens interviewed after making a suicide attempt say that they did it because they were trying to escape from a situation that seemed impossible to deal with or to get relief from really bad thoughts or feelings.Some people who try to end their lifes may be trying to run away from feelings of hurt,loss or rejection.Their feelings may range from anger,guilt,worry,some may also be afraid to disappoint their family and friends.They feel like they have not choice but to die.Suicidal people may also feel unloved,like nobody cares about them.Yes,we do sometimes feel overwhelmed and some of us may have thought about suicide before.But we may not have meant it when we felt that way...Unfortunately,for those who really mean it,they are suffering from depression.Yes,the root of suicides is usually depression.
Depression leads people to think more negatively.People with depression tend to focus solely on negative things.Those with severe depression are unable to see the ood outcome of things.Depression seems to distort things and that is why suicidal people see suicide as the way out.What they don't realise is that suicide is the permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Some suicides are planned and some are not.Impulsive suicides,unplanned suicides may happen in a wave of emotion,for example,a sudden breakup or an unplanned pregnancy.Often in a situation like this,acts as the final straw for someone who is already depressed.
Some people who attempt suicide mean to die but some don't.For some, a suicide attempt is a way to express deep emotional pain. They can’t say how they feel, so, for them, attempting suicide feels like the only way to get their message across. Sadly, even when a suicide attempt is a cry for help and the person doesn’t mean to die, there’s no way to control it. Many people who really didn’t mean to kill themselves end up dead or critically ill.
Girls attempt suicide more often than guys but guys are about 4 times more likely to succeed when they try to kill themselves.This is because guys tend to use more deadly methods such as guns.
There are often signs that someone may be thinking about or planning a suicide attempt. Here are some of them:
talking about suicide or death in general
talking about "going away"
referring to things they "won’t be needing," and giving away possessions
talking about feeling hopeless or feeling guilty
pulling away from friends or family and losing the desire to go out
having no desire to take part in favorite things or activities
having trouble concentrating or thinking clearly
experiencing changes in eating or sleeping habits
engaging in self-destructive behavior (drinking alcohol, taking drugs, or cutting, for example.)
If you have been thinking about suicide,get help right away.
DON'T EVER DO IT.YOU WILL REGRET IT IN YOU DYING MOMENTS...TRUST ME.If you do know someone who is suicidal,talk to him or her and show him or her that there is someone who he or she can turn to.Reach out to him or her.Next,tell a responsible grown up such as a teacher.Even if he or she swears you to secrecy,tell.You friend's life could depend on it.
Please never commit suicide,never never never.You hurt everyone who knows you,including your family and friends.If you think nobody cares about you,you're wrong.There is've just not met that person yet.Hang life to the fullest as once you're gone,there's just no second chance at all.
That's all for my first Topic Chironicle.How is it?Please comment so I can improve on my next post.Thanks and bwye!
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