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rely on me.
i'm yours.

Kimmii K.
Self obsessed.
If I can't be beautiful, I'd rather just die.
You think she's so good but she's a mess to boot
You don't really want to know me.

Pervert(s) who's planning to watch porn later


I want The Trouble Ring by Boucheron.
I want The Trinity Ring by Cartier.
I want To travel to Venice.
I want To travel to Greece.
I want To return to the U.S.A.
I want Real Love.
I want To rule the world
I want To make them sorry.

not alone.

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thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I didn't even know that the University of New South Wales International Maths Competition was going to be held after school today. I was so shocked when that class joker told me. However, I remembered the past years' papers and felt comforted by the fact that practically the whole paper was COMMON SENSE.
So the paper was easy right? NOT!
This year's paper was tough. Maybe it's because they raised the standards. Or maybe my worst nightmare has come true~ WERE MY BRAIN CELLS DYING OFF??? I wouldn't say the whole paper was difficult, only some questions including the LAST FIVE FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS!!! I had no idea how to answer the questions! I'm not the type to tikam tikam answers.
Plus, the schhol band playing just opposite at the next block didn't help. They weren't even playing music they were clapping hands, sustaining trumpet blasts and in short, making noise. There was silence for a few seconds but then the drums were introduced. Even after they stopped to rest for a FEW SECONDS, I could still hear the annoying sounds. And I'm supposed to be a musical person.
For this competition, there are 4 types of certificates given to you, according to how well you fared for the paper~ Cerficate of Participation, Credit, Distinction and High Distinction. The last time I got a COP, I was doing the Maths competition in Primary 2. I got distinctions for Science and English. I didn't take Maths again until last year, Sec 2. I got Credit for last year's paper.
My guess is that I will not get COP this year. They will introduce a new category of Certs, with a big fat title stating the word "FAIL". I will be the first one to get such a certificate. It will be such an honour.

Now, similar to yesterday, I shall end with a video. This time, it is not an adorable video of a duck. It's a sad story about a little girl. Might be depressing to some. WATCH IT and COMMENT!

4:29 PM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Today was Racial Harmony Day...So I wore this chinese-malay-western fusion dress to school, with a pair of black stockings and heels. I don't know how high the heels were but they were painful. Rosiana wore a kimono she rented out and... Won one of the ten prizes in the best dressed competition! Lucky or what? Her prize was a packet of candy.
It was quite fun, the day. Everyone was in no mood for study. School ended later than usual as well. There were these booths set up by students and (almost) everyone were busy checking them out. There was this booth set up voluntarily by a parent volunteer. She wrote peoples' name in Arabic calligraphy, which was nice.
Blah blah blah...
Anyways the thing is that the day was interesting, way more exciting than a normal school day where we simply stare at teachers teaching in front of the classroom.
Just now I was surfing the net when I watched this EXTREMELY ADORABLE VIDEO! I'M NOT KIDDING! Why don't you click on the play button?

So ADORABLE!!! I'm not going to eat duck meat for awhile!In case you don't know, the video is of a duckling snoring as it sleeps!

6:10 PM

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ahh... My friends say that I'm not as "hyper" this week as before...And I so agree. Well, I feel angry and sad this week for some unknown reason. It's like I want to take something and throw it as hard as I can or shout at someone. I just don't know why.
However, that depends on the situation too. I feel down from time to time but not every simgle minute of the day.So emotional this week and I don't know why.Weird.
Anyways, on a brighter note: Today I went to an English lecture by Mrs Marife Cruz Yap. This week, she taught us skills for narrative and personal recount writing. Her workshops are fun and easy to understand. The examples she gives are also pleasant to read.
After the lecture, which ended at 5pm, Rosiana and I went to Tampines Mall for dinner. We ate at 'Pastamania' and I ended up feeling bloated... I wasn't supposed to eat so much when I'm trying to lose weight! (Or mass, in Physics terms.)
I ate one whole plate of meatball pasta, one cup of chocolate mousse and half a banana chocolate pizza! I think I'll go starve myself tomorrow...Not really because I cannot resist the lure of good food. Don't worry kiddos, I'm not anorexic!
We walked around until around 8pm. Before we left, I wanted to throw an empty bottle of orange juice into the bin. There was this couple strolling pass the bin and I had to turn around to throw it in.
Suddenly, the lady wrapped her arms around the boyfriend and I bounced in so called surprise. I waited for them to continue walking but realised that they were hugging longer than I expected. Hence, I went forward with a "I must be careful" expression on my face to bin the bottle.
What's wrong? Two things.
Firstly, there was no reason for me to bounce. You know like those cartoons when the character jumps in surprise? Yea, I bounced. Secondly, there was no need for the "half smile, half disgusted = Must Be Careful" expression. I mean, it's not even wrong or digusting about people hugging. Those two movements are not even intentional. It's just a reflex action!
Okay, maybe you guys think that I'm just over-reacting but I feel so guilty about doing that when the couple was hugging. I feel so mean!
Next thing is, I feel so excited about Monday! It's Racial Harmony day and the whole school is going to wear their ethnic costumes! I'm going to wear this "modern chinese" dress.
Last note, I hope that next week, I will recover from my emo moodswings. Until next time,cupcakes!

8:33 PM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

An aspiring Jerk's guide. Still want to be a Jerk? You have to learn the rules!

Rule #1-
People do NOT have feelings. Hence, you should NOT care whether you hurt them or not.

Rule #2-
You are the best of the best; The Alpha and the Omega. There is NEVER a need to apologise to anyone for anything.Nor is there a need to thank anyone for something they have done for you. Complaining is allowed.

Rule #3-
As the most good looking one in the world, everyone else is butt ugly. God said we must not tell lies. Tell people the truth about their incomprehensible ugliness.

Rule #4-
Not only are others ugly, they are also stupid beyond all belief. Remind them about how stupid they are several times a day.

Rule #5-
Ladies should be treated as princesses.However, there is no such thing as "females are equal" after a few days or weeks. This means that ladies are below you and not really worth your time if they don't treat you like a god and give you everything you want.

Rule #6-
Be really petty. Not happy if the fries on the plate are not arranged in the neat,special manner seen on the menu? Complain. While at that, blow things out of proportion and exaggerate. Not only where the fries "messy", the waitress who served you did not flirt with you.

Rule #7-
Back stab others when you are literally standing behind them. Pretend that that person is not near you when you gossip and bitch about him or her. After all, it is better for them to know what a loser they really are.

Rule #8-
Degrading people is key to being a successful Jerk. Instead of saying "Hi! How is it going?", you can simply greet them with "Hi loser." When you insult people in the middle of a conversation,say it like you mean it. Or with a smirk.

By now, you should have noticed a recurring theme. What is that theme? It just so happens that the theme is also every Jerk's motto.
"The World Revolves Around Me"
It is THAT simple. You don't have to study or anything. However, you DO need practice. You need to know how to apply the rules, and in which situation do you keep a deadpan expression or a sarcastic one. Different situations need different Jerk skills. There are many angles to being a Jerk.
Now, you are very likely to be a Level One Jerk. This means that you should now focus on one skill.
"Developing sarcasm, meanness, rudeness and an overly huge ego."
Too much? Maybe yes maybe no, but without this skill, you cannot proceed to the next level. Hence, I repeat again, you need practice in order to be a successful Jerk.
Part Two ends here so go out and happy practicing!

(Part Three will look at the several Jerk levels,and their rubrics.)
(Remember to comment if you like the 'Aspiring Jerk's Guide'!)

5:05 PM

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Introduction: *Ahem* Being a Jerk is so much fun.But if people start to hate you, you better run. Dissing the people and pissing them all. Not caring if you see that old lady fall. Kicking the dogs and all the little cats. Littering and spewing your spit on the mats. Making girls love you is part of your job. Until they find out and begin to sob. Stealing babies' candies and making them cry. Teaching little children how they should lie. Being so rude is not very nice. Why I'm so sorry sir but your head's full of lice. Although this is weird or maybe absurd. It seems like they all love the resident JERK!

~Beginner's Kit to Being A Jerk~
What You Will Need:
One aspiring Jerk
An Overly Huge Ego

Tip #1- When people ask you a question, reply them with either a sarcastic answer, stupid answer or ignore them completely.
E.G: "Well, Let's See...Is answering questions part of my job? No. So tick off."

Tip #2- Spread praises around. No, you dimwit, not for others. For yourself.
E.G: "Sorry the temperature is hot...I didn't mean to affect you (With my hotness)."

Tip #3- Treat everyone like they owe you something.

Tip #4- Take peoples' things for no reason,without asking permission. If you are a real jerk, spoil;destroy;pulverise the person's item.Act sorry when you give it back.HEALTH WARNING!!!- Do NOT use this on guys who look like they could induce coma into your little brain.And ladies who look like they are having their P.M.S.

Tip #5- Never type a comment on a friend's blog when they ask you to.

Okay, this is the first part of the 'How to Be A Jerk' series.Please comment on this post on my tag board if you liked it. I will post further parts next time. Until then, happy practicing to be a Jerk!

4:49 PM