Hahaha today was
quite a good day. All my classes were nice and all..Talked to alot of people..Was a rather okay day larh.
However, there was a dark and ominous period of 1 hour just after my recess.
That was..
Chemistry classWhy do I say that?
Okay let's start from the very beginning.
(The beginning meaning recess time.)
I bought a a cheesy hot dog during recess within 2 minutes. Thanks to the nice people up in front whom I happen to know. And luckily Chee Eng was in way at the front of the "queue" (more like crowd) and was willing to help me buy two hot dogs.
One for me, one for Xin Yi.
Thank you Chee Eng. Hahas =D
Then shop hopped to the Chinese food stall and bought 2 sticks of 'Corn chicken' and two Honey Chicken Wings. Went to the vending machine and bought a can of green tea because Milo was all totally sold out.
I swear, those people put drugs in Milo. Every student in the school is drinking packet Milo.
After purchasing our food like it was a buffet, Xin Yi, Evelyn and I proceeded back to the 4B classroom where Sara and the others were at.
Ate there. Bell rang and we had to go back to our classroom.
I walked back to my classroom at the end with my unopened can of green tea and uneaten cheesy hot dog.
Chemistry started when the teacher came into my class. All was find and well when suddenly..
I realised I left my file in 4B.
And the file contains all my stuff because it's the only thing I brought to school.
I was wondering whether to go get my file from 4B or go after Chemistry. Oh well, better go get it now because I need my notes too.
So I got up, and asked the teacher," Umm..I left my stuff at 4B..Can I go get them?"
The teacher showed me the annoyed face and I thought I was screwed.
I had been keeping a low profile in front of this particular teacher since Sec 3.
Then that teacher said,"Now only you realise you left your stuff at 4B, when the lesson's going to start."
I looked at her, as if to ask what I should do next and she said, "Quickly go take and come back."
I rushed out of the classroom. Jogged to 4B, knocked on the door and politely asked the teacher inside if I could go take something.
Grabbed my file which was nicely on Elonah's table, smile smile at Elonah and Joel and rushed back out of the classroom.
Walked briskly back to my classroom, because I needed desperately to keep a low profile in front of my Chemistry teacher.
However, when I walked into my classroom and looked at Sara, she said,"Your phone!"
I was like "Huh?"
I thought my phone kena confiscated because I left it on my table.
Turns out somebody called me.
In that freaking 1 minute I was out of the class.And my phone wasn't on silent mode.
Got this type of coincidence one meh???
Nobody calls me de lor! Not on Silent mode, left it on my desk, went out of class for ONE minute and somebody CALLS me.
I thought it was my faggot buddy, but it turned out to be somebody else.
Who has NEVER called me before and I have NEVER expected to call me.
Then I was thinking,"There goes my low profile. Never mind, let's drink this can of green tea because I'm thirsty."
So I grab that can of cold green tea and opened it by lifting the tab on the top.
POPPPPI thought open a can not this loud de?
How come the sound amplify x10 de??Already so conspicuous then somemore need to get more attention with that green tea??
Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeken -.-'
Anyways, I managed to survive that Chemistry class and everything else was okay after that =)
After school:
Didn't have music so I went to East Coast Park with Sara, Xin Yi, Elonah, Hui Juan, Hui Juan's boyfriend (forgot his name again), Joel and Christopher.

Went home.
That's all.
I will be away in camp from Friday to Sunday.
Hence, I won't be blogging for 2 days.
However, SMS me if there's anything because I'm still bring my baobei handphone along. Hahas.
Brandon and I are gonna bring chips and food to the camp! Wonder if the others are gonna bring food also.
Bring Marshmallows, then can Barbeque at the campfire.
And Brandon says he's gonna share my toothbrush -.-
Guys, we're gonna step down soon, so make this the most memorable one ever okay!
JYJY!!Downloading new techno songs now..
Haiya, taking so long.
Okay I think that's all for today.
Bye ;3