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rely on me.
i'm yours.

Kimmii K.
Self obsessed.
If I can't be beautiful, I'd rather just die.
You think she's so good but she's a mess to boot
You don't really want to know me.

Pervert(s) who's planning to watch porn later


I want The Trouble Ring by Boucheron.
I want The Trinity Ring by Cartier.
I want To travel to Venice.
I want To travel to Greece.
I want To return to the U.S.A.
I want Real Love.
I want To rule the world
I want To make them sorry.

not alone.

MusicPlaylistView Profile

alternative exits.

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my days, not yours.

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thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I seriously cannot stand the heat!
Hate walking in the sun =/
Don't wanna become tan.

Dai Yang Tian is the hotness!!

Lawl. But he is handsome!
His face is like, near perfect.
And I like the blue Gucci suit he wore to the Star Awards :3

Didn't have any papers today, so had classes as usual.
Except I was uber tired, lethargic, sleepy, drowsy, uncomfortable etc.
In class =,=
Couldn't understand a word of what ANYONE was saying.
Felt like was really gonna die until I took a nap and felt slightly better after that.

After my music, walked to KFC to meet Sara, Xin Yi, Evelyn and Jeremy.
Was craving for the chicken!
Had KFC yesterday for dinner and KFC just now.
Dunno why was so ravenous and finished the whole meal.
First time I ever managed to gobble down the whole 2 piece chicken meal.
Oh ya, Sun Woo, Rosi, Yi Ting and Damien were there too, but they were studying at a seperate table.
And Jeremy made something out of leftover coleslaw, cheese fry cheese and chili sauce.
Tasted some of that, lols.
Actually was quite okay tasting, aside from it being a disgusting looking concoction.
Then went home.

&&& WHOO!
Tomorrow's Labour Day! Which is a public holiday!
Absolutely spiffy eh?
Can sleep in :3
I think.

I hate mosquitoes.
Mosquitoes sark. Literally.

If she moves like this
Would you move it like that
Come on
Shake shake,
Shake shake,
Oh shake it.

8:32 PM

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy 16th Birthday Darren Tay!!

Hee, even though we're not really friends anymore,
but still, yea.
Wished you happy birthday in the hall just now anyways =)

Okay, am using the laptop now.
But I'm lazy to upload any more photos to this post.
Other than that one above.
Well, I'll just do my photo slideshow for my blog profile then.
Busy Busy Busy.
Alrights, gonna proceed doing that and the music too.
Sayos ;3

10:09 PM

I thought I was gonna die this morning.
Had to use all my willpower to drag my body out of bed.
Was thinking,"Don't go school today luh.. Damn. Got exams."

So anyways, today was English Paper 2 and Mathematics Paper 2.
Hope English would score.
Anything lower than a distinction is considered a fail.
I think my English standard is lowering.. Damn..
Cannot let it happen.
Mathematics was a freaking 2 and a half hours.
So long right!
Thought would have time to nap but in the end don't have.

Had Geography after the exams.
Was laughing at my new mascot during the lesson.

Figaro the Cat luh!
He's my new mascot :3
Don't steal him hor! He's mine.
Oh, was laughing at Rolly also.
Hee hee ;3
So. Darn. Adorable.

Went to Parkway with Sara afterwards.
Went to Popular and met Jeremy.
Who is Sara's special someone ;3
Then they bought their stuff and we went to the Snow ice shop.
"Ice snow", lols.
After eating, we went our seperate ways.
I bused home while Sara and Jeremy went dunno where.
Slept in the bus for awhile.
Not really slept luh, was still aware of the surroundings.
Came home and started blogging.
That's all.

1) No papers tomorrow!
2) Going out shopping on Friday!
3) Exam's over by next week!

I don't wanna be the one
Only overjoyed
I don't wanna be the one
Making all the noise
I don't wanna be the one
What you gonna offer now
This was not my idea
Don't you keep me waiting

5:25 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Under the bright florescent lights of the small interview room,
The nicely groomed woman looked at the murderer in front of her.
Across the inspector was a pale young lady in her twenties.
She was rather attractive for a murderer, and a brutal one at that.
The inspector asked a question.
The criminal answered.

The criminal replied, describing how she tortured and subsequently killed him off.
She described how his flesh tore open when she plunged the bread knife into his torso.
She told of how he screamed and begged her not to kill him.
She put in every single detail, leaving no juicy bits out.
The murderer smiled and giggled.

"And how did you feel after you did that? What did you get out of killing him?"
"I felt.."
She paused for a moment and grinned to herself.
"I felt free. I felt liberated. I felt.. Ecstatic."
The inspector frowned at her answer.

"Why did you murder him? Was there an intention?"
This time, it was the murderer who frowned.
Then came the cold reply.

"I killed him because he was a man."

Recalling how every man who told her he wouldn't hurt her.
They had assured her, promised her and yet..
They lied.
From her own father, to past romances, every single man she knew lied.
They actually hated her, from the deepest bottoms of their hearts.
They didn't care about her.
They assured her but they hit her, abused her, and every time they did, she died a little inside.

Then he came along.
And he told her that he loved her.
He told her that he would protect her, no matter what, because he wouldn't let anything or anyone hurt her.
She knew he was lying.
So she hurt him before he had the chance to hurt her.
She knew that he was a liar, because all men were liars.
He had to be lying when he said those three words.

He wasn't

Hahas, had some inspiration so I decided to come up with a short story.
Hee :)
Just now had Social Studies exam and managed to finish all the questions.
But again, I don't think I'll be able to do well for this.
So again, shall not elaborate =/
That's all.

4:42 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

Mega stress level!
Today was English Paper 1 and I think I screwed it up.
I so hate myself right now.
Shall not elaborate about it.

Tomorrow's the Social Studies paper.
Have to study about the Iraq-Kuwait conflict, terrorism and globalisation.
Can't seem to get facts into my head nowadays.
I keep drifting off into my imaginary, idealistic world of my own.
Sad and 100% pathetic.
Distracts me from the pain.
At least this Friday's a holiday and Mum's taking out for shopping.
This time, she actually offered to take me.

Gotta go mug and cram now.

Joey never met a bike that he didn't want to ride.

8:15 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ahoy there~

Just for the record,

Tomorrow's the start of my mid-year exams.
Pimple breakout and me obsessing over my face + Mid-year exams + Need for food and Ben & Jerry's =
So not ideal
Uh uh, so NOT ideal.

Ya, and I called up Primitive Art just now and enquired about the surface tragus.
I think I'm gonna go for it after the MYE.
Need to save up though.
Quite a hefty sum.
But I like it ;3
Or maybe I'll go for another type of piercing.
Gotta look up on more piercings.

Okay, gonna sleep now.
Wish me luck for tomorrow ._.

11:08 PM

All I wanna do is-
I wanna-
-Take your money

I've been looking around on the net and now I'm contemplating on getting a surface piercing.
The thing is, surface piercings are extremely prone to rejection
And most surface piercings do not actually heal at all.
On the other hand, those which actually heal, heal rather quickly I think.
So, if I get a surface piercing, I think it'll most likely be temporary due to rejection.
And rejection of the piercing sometimes leave a scar where the hole used to be.

Okay, let's say I decided to go get one.
Where should I pierce?
Vertical surface tragus?
Below the collarbone?
Some surface piercings, like those I listed, actually look pretty classy.
I would post several pictures here, but I can't use the laptop.

Yup, so still contemplating.
Give me your opinions people!
To get a surface piercing or not to get a surface piercing- That is the question.

4:11 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bang, Biatch-
Bang, Biatch-

Just came back from my extra lessons.
Chemistry, Biology and SS.
Uber sleepy in school, especially during Chemistry.
Mid Year Exams are starting on Monday!!
I'm so dead =,=
I have to improve my grades ya.

Gonna go back to reading my novel now.
'Faith' by Peter James.
It's a nice book, you should go look it up.
See ya.

1:23 PM

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hello Hello Peepos!
Morning managed to get to school earlier than usual.
Such that I was even able to grab a packet of Milo before assembly.
Hee :)
School continued as usual. Floating through our classes in a typical, everyday fashion.
Sara and I had to complete our Chemistry SPA portfolio after school.
So we stayed back while Evelyn and Rosiana went off to Tampines Mall first.
We had to rush there to catch the 2.05pm movie for '17 Again'.
Yup, watched it twice already. Hahas.
Eve and Rosi bought the tickets for us already and Sara and I cabbed there at around 1.55pm?
We were like so darn anxious that we would be late luh.

Anyways, the taxi driver was damn funny la!
He kept telling Sara and I cold jokes from the moment we got into the taxi.

"I got a car right, so I go paint it white and put red spots on it..
Then become 'sport car'."

(Spot car, sport car, get it?)
Then we told him that we were rushing to catch a movie.
He ask what movie. 17 Again.
Then he say what, when you young want to be 20. When you old, you want to be 18.
Then he say but girls below 18 dangerous ah..
I ask why.
He say "Wa, below 18 don't play play ah. Don't play with the law!"
He also got say alot of other funny things la.

Anyways, we got into the theatre in time!
And watched the commercials somemore!
Watch the movie.
Shiok ;3

Then we left to go back to school at 4 something cuz the night class was shifted to 5pm initially.
But suddenly change back to 6pm and we didn't know.
So we went back early for nothing.

I got some unexpected results in night class.
Quite happy ba :)

After night class, went to KFC with Joel, Edwin, Sun Woo, Rosi and Sara.
Slacked there and played with Joel's iphone.
Evelyn came down to join us for a short while, after which we had to go.
Ah, ya, met Jun Lin at KFC just now also.
Was unexpected ya.

Went home and was feeling damn
Oh my gosh, sweat was literally streaming down my back la!

Wow, so humid and uncomfortable now.
Gonna shower.
Bye :3

9:16 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hello Hello ;3
I have a piece of good news.
I checked just now and I found out that now, my readers come from more countries!

Besides Singapore, people from Malaysia, Australia, Hong Kong and The United States of America, have visited my blog.
There is also a small percentage of "unknown country/area" readers.
Don't know why their locations are unknown.
Anyways, it's fabulous to know that my unique visits and readership numbers are increasing.
Hope that there will be more unique visits on my blog and that my blog would be more popular.
Returning visitors, thank you for your support too :)

Here's to building up a reputation ;3
See ya.

11:12 PM

Ooh yea today had school.
Had to proceed down to the office during the first two periods of class
for a mediation session
to settle certain issues.
Then went back to class and continued with the rest of the day.
Had a Social Studies test during the last two periods.
Didn't even know that there was a test until this morning.

Didn't have extra classes so went to Mac with Sara jie.
Ate, then walked around, then slacked at the CC.
Talked about many things there.
Met Xin Yi Mummy at around 5.20pm.
Lepak further at the playground.
Then went home at 6pm.

Happy 16th, Joel M!!

Although I didn't give you any presents :3
Lols. Grow up alrights?
Don't do weird stuff in Geog class.

Oh ya, today, Mother Tongue period was nonsensical :)
Talked about stupid stuff with Brandon, Damien, Joel, Heeren and Sara.
Had some photos but am unable to post them now.
Can only do so after the exams..
Which is next week!

I'm relying on my photographic memory
But blatantly realising it's not
It's not cut to be.

6:52 PM

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hello peepo.
Was doing my Math homework halfway, when I decided to post something.
Haiya.. Just felt like posting something that might make me feel more optimistic ba =/

Er.. Let's start with me thanking Brandon for mms-ing me at 'LOL' worthy photo of someone the other day.
Too bad I couldn't save that picture, hahas.
Lucky he doesn't have some noob photo of me :3

Next, let me say happy birthday in advance for my dear friend, Joel M. who's birthday is tomorrow.
I'll post a big announcement for his birthday tomorrow, but decided to say it in advance anyways. Hahas.

Umm.. What else is there?
Okay. There's this~

Brushing Teeth and Toilets

Don't you just love brushing teeth?
Alright, seriously, brushing teeth is an essential part of our daily routine of grooming.
Can you stand not brushing your teeth in the morning after you wake up?
I think for most of us here, the answer is a definite "NO!"
(The minority though, are the ones with extremely rancid breath and rotting teeth.)
Don't you just enjoy the squeaky clean, fresh feel you get when and after you brush your teeth?
Just imagine yourself scraping all those disgusting bacteria away from your
precious gums and enamel.
*Cha cha cha*
Ahhh.. Clean, white, shiny, squeaky clean teeth :)

On the other hand,
What's the deal with public toilets??
Alright, take our school toilets for example.
Really, nobody wants to see if you have
Really man, is it that difficult for you to just press the lever down to actually FLUSH the bleddy toilet?
Or push the button on the toilet cistern down to enable the wonderous
hydraulic action which washes away your organic matter.
Because most people, like me, are not appreciative of the wonderous sights of
Extra yellow (Crysanthemum Tea)
Extra chocolately (Chocolate lava or solid pellets of dark chocolate).

Oh, and to some females, most of us ladies do not wish to see bloody..
which are not properly disposed of,
lying around in toilet cubicles,
thank you very much.
We aren't really interested in when you're having your menses.

Toilets, toilets.
Oh, for goodness sake, keep the toilet clean can or not??
It isn't really so difficult you know.

Ah, erm..
Ya, please keep your public areas clean.
Spare some thought for others you know.
Must not be so selfish, because others may want to use the toilet also.

Imagine one day you super urgent then only got one toilet cubicle.
Then when you go in, the whole cubicle is literally a shithole.
Then how?
The cubicle is so dirty that you shit in your pants cuz you kena shocked.
Aiya, like that don't need toilet le lor.
But your pants super smelly sia.

Again I posted another no link post.
Hee hee.
Better go continue my Maths.
Anyways, today's message to my dear readers is:

'Love our toilets, Love yourself'
'Brush your teeth, if not your mouth very smelly.'

Bye bye peepos ;3

9:56 PM

If I'm going
then I'm
going down

You're not so far away
Sitting in the space between the night and day
So I'll wait
For the sound of

And falling's just another way to fly
I wonder why it's never easier than
The first time

It's not

The words I never meant to say.
The words I thought I would never say.
The words are just a void.
It would be better if it stayed this way.

I wish..
Wishes are for losers.

Today went for counselling.
Realised that I know less than I really do.
I don't even know myself.
How can I exist like that?
I'm not capable of many things.
I'm not worthy to love anybody
I can't even understand myself.
Well, I'm changing that.


6:07 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My dear reader, it is unfortunate to tell you that my Paper 2 in my exam today was taken away by an extremely strict invigilator.
Had a language examination consisting of 3 seperate papers in St.Pat's today at 2.15pm.
Paper 1 was alright and so was the last paper.
However, the paper in the middle was taken away because the teacher said we were cheating.
Which we weren't doing.

The guy who was twice behind me said something.
Sara, who was behind me, and myself, turned around.
The teacher was talking to the guy behind Sara and when we turned back, she accused us of talking and took our scripts away.
Hello, we only turned back?
The guy's paper was also taken away.
So three of us were not happy.

And I was screaming at Sara after the third paper.
I was obsessing over someone who was sitting in front of me during the last paper.
He sat in front of me before during classes in St.Pat's and this time I was obsessing even more.
Cuz my other friends said he looks like one of our schoolmates.
Who was once compared to a certain somebody I know.
And yes, I was screaming to Sara because that guy, the one sitting in front of me, looked like the certain someone I know.

Oh, and the hall in that school is so darn nice and comfortable now because of the air-conditioning that they recently installed.
Wish that my school wasn't so budget -.-

Other than that incident, the rest of the day was pretty dull as usual.
Almost died in class today.
Maybe will be back to blog later.
If I'm bored and if I think of something fascinating to blog about.
See ya, peepo :3

7:49 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome back to my blog ;3

Northland Sec is having a school holiday on Wednesday..
Because the school did well for their CCA.
Wtf much cans?
It's so unfair!
My school also got the sustained achievement award thingy for CCA leh!
Didn't even have a day off for us students -.-
Oh well. At least I got a trophy because of that.

Why we don't have holidays one!
Other countries have holidays on the President's birthday, Prime Minister's birthday, Founder's day.. Etc.
So, Singapore should celebrate our ministers and president who slog so hard to make our country so globalised.
Imagine hor, the poor president who is sitting in the Istana,
all so lonely with one birthday cake in front of him.
Make a wish- *poof*
Also imagine our minister mentor who worked so so so hard for Singapore.
Sad right, that there is no day dedicated to him?
Hence, we should have some days to take a break and relax.
Because it's our country's leaders' birthday and we should enjoy and appreciate that day.

And different schools should have holidays on the Principal's birthday, Vice-Principal's birthday.. Ya.
If not then the poor birthday girl or guy have to work on their birthday and very stressful for them.
Must spare a thought for others you know.
Caring and sharing is what we learn in school.
Must learn to empathise with others.

Little bit no link like that o.o
Lolol never mind.
Work hard to make Singapore a better place than it already is now.
Really no link!!
What the..

Okay okay.
Shall end here.
Bye bye :)

9:54 PM

You know how heartache can be
You keep believing in me
When everything and everyone becomes my enemy and friend
There's nothing more you can do
I'm gonna blame it on you
That's not the way I wanna be
I only hope that in the end you will see that
It's the Opheliac in me

Oh yessh, I'm a self-confessed Opheliac.

Alrighty, today was back to school!
Monday blues and something something.
Ah, today had oral examination.
Tio Miss Kong.
Thought I super suay cuz last time I tio her before got something bad happen =,=
Ah, but today I think I did pretty well for oral.
Lucky she didn't hold a grudge against me :)
And Mr Alvin Lau was over there anyways.
Good good.

Went to buy ice-cream after oral and waited for Sara with Evelyn.
Rosi came down and I played with her handphone.
The 'Matchmaker' game very nice to play lor.
Tomorrow play with it again. Hahas.
After that, blah blah, then went home.

Nothing much happened luh.
Boring, pathetic life -.-
I want to go for the Adam Khoo course tomorrow la!
Don't wanna go for some stupid exam!
*insert vulgarity of choice here*

I am your sugar
I am your cream
I am your anti American dream

8:20 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Why, hello once again.
Well, just came on to blog about my current ice-cream obsession.

Kimmy Kayyy is now craving for


Especially Ben & Jerry's ice-cream.

Can someone accompany me to Vivocity's Ben & Jerry's outlet?
Because I feel like going to Vivo too ._.
Do you guys have any idea how drool worthy their ice-cream is??
I just adore their ice-cream shakes too.
So.. I need an ice-cream fix asap!

I bought a tub of Milo ice-cream just now and ate a bowl of it.
Then, at around 10.30pm or so, the craving got the better of me so I bounded over to the kitchen,
took the whole tub out,
and happily helped myself to the ice-cream.
Oooh I love it.
My father caught me eating from the tub and told me to "stop it".
Took one last big scoop of the stuff and chucked the spoonful into my mouth before returning the tub back to the freezer.
Ben & Jerry's is no longer a want.
It's a need

And I kidnapped my sister's stereo system and planted it in my room.
Hee hee :3
No la, I asked her politely for her permission.
See, I'm such a kind and gentle elder sister.
Connected my mp3 player to the stereo system and now I can listen to my wonderful songs
amplified in my room
with amplified bass and effects.
I need to get a new stereo set as quickly as possible.
My last one died :(
Hahas. It was old and couldn't work properly anymore, so ya.
It's another need and not a want!

(I think ._.)

Kays, if you would like to be my ice-cream acquaintance, please tell me yeas?
Yepp yepp that's all.
Good night, peepos ;3

10:58 PM

Hello Hello People!!
Just came back home.
Let's see what I did today, shall we?

Woke up early this morning, showered, prepped up myself and all that, and went out of the house at about 10am.
Travelled to Woodlands to have brunch with Eden.
Ate roasted pork rice at Koufu.
Wasn't really hungry actually, but still ate anyways.
After eating, went back to his place.
Initially, was supposed to show him my Audition "skills" (har har).
Hey! I haven't touched Audi for like what, since the December holidays!
Think I totally lost any skills I had acquired while playing Audi for about.. Half a year.
(Started playing Audi in June 2008 I think, and stopped in December 2008 because of the O Levels.)
Anyways, did not have the chance to even log in to my account as I had to go for my tuition.

So, went off to Parkway Centre and arrived there at 12.30pm, which was half an hour early.
Had absolutely no idea what to do there and was walking around aimlessly and realised that I was walking in circles.
Rosi called me and told me that she was outside Mac as she did not have Bio tuition today and wasn't informed about it.
I was near Mac and could see her and Yi Ting so I simply walked to where she was.
Apparently, Yi Ting had seen me just now and was shouting my name, but I didn't hear her because I was listening to music.
Okay so Yi Ting went for her tuition while Rosi and I went up to 'Giant'.
Rosi bought some sushi and we walked back to Maccafe after that so that I could buy my coffee.
Took the lift up to our tuition centre after I purchased my delicious Caramel Frappe.

Yi Ting and I followed Rosi to Katong Shopping Centre after our tuitions ended.
There, Rosi had wanted to change her P.E shorts but the shop wasn't open =,=
Cabbed to Rosi's house there, then took the bus back home.

Rested at home for awhile then went out again, this time to Ang Mo Kio, for dinner.
Ate at this western food stall.
Quite nice, the food.
Went home after dinner.

Wow, not bad.
Travelled to some many places today.
Maybe to you, it's not many places, but to me, it is.
Considering that I can't really go out much nowadays.
Yups, today was quite a nice day luh.
Quite :) Not bad, not bad.
Hah.. Good mood now :)
Watching the President's Command Concert now.
Quite a nice concert too.
Maybe things are looking up for me.

Well, that's all I have to blog about for today.
See you next time..
Which should be tomorrow.
Kay, bye.

8:51 PM

Saturday, April 18, 2009

You're waiting for her, aren't you?
You're waiting for her,
What makes you think that she's waiting for you too??
I don't get it.
I seriously don't.
I like you.
I like you, I really do.
I like you, give me a chance, know me more.
Let me know you more.
Give me a chance to oh, at least be your friend.
I'm getting ignored by you now!
Contact me soon please..
Meet up soon.
Like that'll ever happen.

I'm mental mental mental.
Someone send me to an asylum please.

I got ignored by two people who I care greatly about.
How's that for wonderful.

Kay la, enough of that.
Good night.
SMS me soon yea?

10:28 PM

The weather today is SCORCHING HAWT!!
Was walking along Katong street just now-
Oops, correction- SUFFERING along Katong street just now under the blaze and rage of the Sun.
Lucky I applied sunscreen on my face today.
There are only three reasons for Singapore being hell on earth:
1) There is a hole in the ozone layer right above our little island.
2) The Sun is orbiting closer to Earth with each passing day.
3) All of the above.

Sheesh, seriously!!
What's with the nausea inducing weather!

Okay, drifting away from the weather report, something happened in Parkway today.
I saw a vampire.
Lols, alright, maybe not a vampire, but an EXTREMELY HOT GUY (pun not intended).
Oh my gosh,
His hair was perfect. Perfect shade, perfect style.
His face was perfect. Perfect shape, perfect features.
His body was perfect. Not too skinny, not too fat.
His fashion sense was perfect. Casual yet elegant. Feminine yet manly. Style without overdoing it.
The way he walked was perfect. Perfect strut, perfect posture.
Oh my gosh-ness much??
He was with his friends but I only noticed him because he was behind them.
Didn't see the others.

Hee hee hee :3
Perhaps I'm exaggerating and the guy I'm describing is only in my imagination.
Then again, it's good to be deluded and contented in the knowledge that aesthetic perfection is indeed achievable.
Happily deluded :3

Hee hee,
Might be going out later to Ang Mo Kio.
Having dinner there possibly.
Might blog again later.
It's goodbye for now,
Take care :)

4:50 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

Hello Hello!
Went to Tampines Mall today to watch '17 Again' with Evelyn and Sara.
Cabbed there and immediately chiong to the cinema after alighting from the cab.
Bought the tickets for the 2pm show, got some snacks and went into the theatre.
The movie was really nice.
Quite touching also.

After the movie ended, we went to 77th Street.
Had an early dinner, (or late lunch, depends on how you see it), at Pizza Hut.
I had no mood to eat after viewing the students' menu as they took away lasagne!
Luckily, Evelyn helped me ask the waiter and he told us that we just have to top up the cost by $2 if we want lasagne.
Hee hee.. Finally had my lasagne!

Proceeded back to school after that for Geography night lessons.
Something happened towards the end of the lesson.
That thing made me laugh like a hyperistic chipmunk..
Just note that Rosi was the one who was being a joker.

Okay kiddos, that's all.
See ya laterrr

10:56 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Yaw once again!
Currently in a good mood, not sure why.
Hope I won't recede into emoness again later.

Just finished doing my Math homework.
Decided to take my studies really seriously now :)
Like, serious serious.
*Solemn Face*
We'll be having our English oral exam on Monday.
Yay! Can talk crap to the teacher!
Me like :3
But hope the examiner is not those type who is super strict and has no sense of humour.
Or else I see the face scared until..
Lols, no la.
I'm not so sensitive luh.

Hmm, let's see what else there is to blog about..
Oh, I know le!

Craving For Lasagne!!

Currently craving for a nice, hot dish of yummy, yummy, cheesy Lasagne!
I need to eat it!
Haven't had it for quite some time.
Gosh ._.
Maybe can go dine at Pizza Hut tomorrow.
Heck care the fat content.
I needa Lasagne!!

I'm such a pig.
Shut up about pigs, Sara -.-
Can you not mention pigs??
What's wrong with you!

Oh ya!
Today I shocked Sara.
We were walking towards the bus stop when I suddenly grabbed her and shouted "OH MY GAWD!!"
She seriously chua tio.

Wow, I'm seriously jumping to random topics on this post.

I'm currently listening to 'Heartbreak Lullaby' by ATeens.. For like the 5th or 6th time, straight.
Or maybe more.
Nice song lor.
Makes me feel happier.
Okay, the lyrics are kinda sad..?
But the song makes me feel happier for some reason o.o
It's one of the weird things about me.
Like how 'Shake It' by Metro Station sometimes makes me feel emo ._.

Kay I think I should stop my mindless babbling here.
I'll go switch the song to 'Shake It' now.
Hahas ;3
See ya!

10:23 PM

Ah, hi again.
Some things mess up pretty bad.
Ah, enough of that crap -.-

So, erm, today went to school.
Slept at like 12am yesterday because I was studying Geography.
Went to school.
Rained early in the morning I think.
Not sure, can't remember.
Time was passing by sooo slowly.
1 and a half hours worth of lessons felt like 3 hours ._.
Kay, then the rest of the day was normal.
Had the Geog test. Was easier than expected.
Maybe can score well again :)

School ended and I walked to the ice-cream cart.
Actually had the intention of buying Ramly burger, but the pasar malam ended already :(
So went home for awhile to take things then went back to school.
Sara and Xin Yi walked off to go Mac.
I went to school only to realise that lesson was cancelled -.-
Quickly call Sara and met them at the bus stop.
Ate at Mac. Sat there.
Then went to Petal Gardens there.
Slacked at playground.
Something happen there.
6pm started walking out.
The two noobs walked straight ahead and didn't realise that they were walking further than actually required.
Led Sara to the bus stop there which by then, she was already late for tuition.

I went home but before that, went to the shop and bought

A can of Red Bull

and a bottle of cooling tea.
Ahaha, take that, Sara! ;3
Hom-ed and something else happened again -.-

Haiya, later have to do work and study again.
No choice,
It's a straight, full ahead run to the finish line.

Anyways, going out tomorrow to watch '17 Again' with dunno who.
Sara, shut up about Zac Efron.
Hee ;3

That's all.
Sayos :)

7:29 PM

Slacking at playground now.

I'm sorry,
I don't love you anymore.
I can't love you
So I won't love you.
I don't love you anymore.

See you :)

5:53 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Heh, some people spammed my tag box just now.
Spammed the same thing over and over again for like 3 pages plus.
And used Sara's name to spam too.
Anyways, deleted the spam from the c-box.
Didn't really have to delete since I was going to change the widget provider to ShoutMix anyway.
So yup, changed my tag box from C-Box to ShoutMix just now :)

And suddenly felt really saddened just now.
Not because of the spamming, OF COURSE NOT.
(By the way, I was amused by the spam ;3)
Why does life have to screw up in my O Level year?

Feeling a jumble of emotions right now.
Depressed, Regretful, Angry, Lethargic, Worried.
In short, confused.
I really cannot think right now.
I can only feel my emotions.
Hate this so bloody much.

To you, I regret what I've done and I wish I did things differently so that things would not be this way now.
I shock myself at how strongly I react when I think of you and what could have been.
And to you too, I'm not sure if I'm really over you, but I'll tell you when I am. Hopefully it's soon so I won't waste more of my already half exhausted feelings on you. It's tiring to do so.

And I don't know what to do.

Have you ever known the way
And still felt so lost?

I don't know anything.
I'm waiting for someone to find me.

He is missed. Let bygones be bygones. Let memories live in the past. Relive your memories and shed the tears only in your dreams, at night. Wake up feeling much better, contented in living in the moment, not having to think about tomorrow, and forgetting all that's been left behind.


11:41 PM

Geog test tomorrow.
Have to study for it.
Seriously damn tired
Have absolutely no mood to do anything.

Today, school was non-stop action.
Had to do so many things.
Titration for Chemistry, Oscialltion experiment for Physics, etc.
Feel really sick now.

After school today, went to Pasar Malam there walk for awhile.
Bought Ramly burger, which was super nice, as usual.
Then went home.
Showered then started doing Maths.
Finish Maths le then used the laptop.
Did my Music homework.
Then do some other stuff.

Okay, no mood to blog now.
And have to study for Geog.
So ya,
Bye Bye =)

9:37 PM

Monday, April 13, 2009

Nothing blog-worthy happened today.
So I'll blog about two subjects already stated in the above title.


are supposed to keep the body warm or something.
But right now, in already hot and humid Singapore,
I, Kimmy Kayyy, declare that there is
Absolutely NO need for fat cells in her body.
Fat cells are not welcome -.-
Because fat cells, make up the
disgusting globs of wobbly, yellow, jelly like substance,
called, well, FATS
which make me look horribly FAT!!
And being fat is not nice at all -.-
Fats, fats, go away!!
I mean, seriously, fat lumps?
Ewww much??
Argh horrible horrible!
Metabolism rate should be increased =/
I do realise that the above paragraph makes me sound disgustingly obese ._.


does come to you once in awhile.
It suddenly came to me just now,
and I felt like I've done or said offended my friends in the past,
which require apologies.
So I just decided to apologise to my dear friends just in case there really were mean or hurtful things that I did to them.

Okay, I'm going to end here.
Bye :)

6:43 PM

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter once again!

This Easter is a very chocolatey Easter.
My fridge is currently loaded with chocolates!
Hershey's, Cadbury, M&Ms, Ferrero, all inside!
Hee Hee Hee ;3
I finished the Kinder Bueno chocolate, which are my current favourites =D
Kinder chocolates rule!
However, once I finish those chocolates, my fridge will return to be barren..
And a total tundra..
I'm eating M&Ms as I'm typing this.

Anyways, I'll blog about what happened on Good Friday!
Forgot to blog about it =)

Went to Toa Payoh at about 1pm plus with my family.
Visited my family friends.
Had some occasion there so had this home buffet.
Quite nice, the food.
Sat there for awhile then went off.
Went to Suntec, where it was raining really heavily.
Had to wait until the rain stopped to walk to Bugis.
There, went to the new mall, Iluma.
Walked around a little while.

Iluma is nice luh, for slacking.
Shopping is..So-so I guess.
Or maybe it's just because I didn't really explored the place.
But, yea, Iluma's nice =)

[ CAN ]

Sara was there too.
I surprised her when she was at the bra shop.
She was with her mom when I crept up behind her and covered her eyes.
Talked for like, one minute?
Then I went off.

Went back to Bugis Junction to have dinner at Sakae Sushi.
Ooh I'm craving for sushi!!!
Sushi Sushi Sushi!!
After dinner, walked around for awhile, then went home.
That was my Friday =)

went to tuition at Parkway.
After tuition, went to Stege with Rosi.
Bought a new captive bead ring there for $18.
The piercer helped me put in the ring and secure the bead, which costed an additional $6.
Total = $24
Feel good now, because I know that the ring is clean.
And easier to clean too, I think =)
But I blew ten bucks on the previous captive bead ring I bought at Tampines Mall!
And I can't even use it luh.
Haiya, now I know I should do these kind of jewellery thing at piercing shops.

After that, Rosi went off while I went to Borders to meet my family.
Bought a book there.
Then went home.

That concludes my somewhat, miserable(?) Sunday.
And there's school tomorrow.
*Groans in unison*
Bye Bye


7:21 PM

Oh, wow.
Seems like my mood swings are in full blast now.
Thanks, Sara for mentioning him in your sms just now ;3
Everything went totally downhill from there =,=
Okay, so anyways, was feeling crappy..
Then suddenly realised that

I don't need someone like him!
Who I really wanted was someone who I can actually communicate with!
Someone who has the same sense of humour as I do!
Someone as retarded as I am!
Someone who ain't a flirt.
Someone who I can spend my time with.
Someone who I connect with.
Someone who is fun loving.
Someone who's just right for me.

Then I did something and felt down again -.-
I have absolutely NO reason to like him this way!
He isn't even fun!
Kinda boring I guess???
Oh my gosh.
Is he??
Oh gawd.
I'm going mental.

His lifestyle isn't mine!!
-sudden realisation-
Eh, seriously eh??
Oh my!!
Okay, it's official.
I'm slightly mad ._.
After that sudden realisation,
I'm happier!
I think I'm suffering from Bipolar disorder.
I was just emo a little while ago.
And now I'm happy.
Kay whatever, cuz today's


I like those Easter Eggs :3
Ate practically the whole packet of Easter Egg M&Ms just now.
Hee hee ;3
So cute luh, the speckled eggs with peanut butter inside.
Uber yum can??

&&& Steamboat with your family and friends is so nice!
Shabu shabu pork is yum yum!!
Especially if you have the special sweet chili sauce thing.
Damn good :)

Lols, ok shall stop here for now.
Should be blogging later again luh.
Going to sleep now!

1:13 AM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me this time.
My heart hurts.
Literally and emotionally.
And I'm feeling damn uncomfortable right now.
It's really hot here.
Gotta turn on the air-con soon.
I've got a headache.
I think it's cuz I slept for like 4 hours or less yesterday night.
And his name was mentioned.
I almost cried when I read his name.
I didn't even think of him just now before he was mentioned.
I hate feeling so down.

What is pain?
Is this pain?
Feeling so rejected and abandoned.
Knowing that I'll never walk those places with him again.
There are memories that haunt me when I go to certain places.
Feeling so..

Have you ever known the way,
And still felt so lost.

I still care about him.
Damn it.


10:44 PM

Today had Geog class in the morning.
Ended at 9am, so I went to the new mall at Tampines with Sara, Evelyn and Xin Yi.
I think it's called Tampines One or something ._.

Kay, so went straight to Uniqlo when we got there.
Lucky we were there earlier, cuz any later and we would have to queue at the super long queue.
The clothes there quite nice, and I sooo want them!
Can't wait for the flagship store to open in Orchard in June or July :)

Walked back to Tampines Mall, where I bought a captive ball ring for my tragus.
Wasted ten bucks on it la!!
(Read on to find out why.)
Went to the washroom with Sara to put it on, but I couldn't get the ring all the way through the hole.
So I pushed the piercing stud back into my tragus.
It was like bleeding and Sara was disgusted.
And I was going "Sara, help me put the ring in!"
And I was laughing like crazy while playing with my tragus.
Don't know what was so funny, but I was laughing and laughing.
Didn't even hurt when I was toying around with it luh.
Now just scared tio infection only =,=
Shouldn't have pushed the stud out of the hole on the third day with this piercing.

So anyways, had to rush to my tuition which was at Marine Parade.
Was like late already!!
Took Bus 15 to the Telok Kurau area, where I decided to alight to take a cab.
Was going to cry already luh, cuz there were no avalible cabs.
And some guy on a motorbike said hi to me -.-
Heng he never ask if I wanted a lift or not.
Finally! Got into a cab and cabbed to my tuition centre there.
Only half an hour late.
Not bad.
My mother was almost gonna kill me ._.

After tuition, went to Parkway to seek help with my captive ball ring.
The girl at 77th Street told me that it's difficult to use this type.
I asked her if can help me change, then she say that they don't help people change their stud.
So went back to Stege and asked the girl there.
And she said it would cost $6. And when she saw my ring, she said that it was slightly too small for my tragus.
So it'll be uncomfortable if she put it on for me =,=
Wtf! Waste my money nia!!
Shouldn't have bought that ring.
Should have just bought from the piercing shop itself.
Thanked the girl and went to Marine Parade Library.

That's my day so far.
Now going to have steamboat buffet.
Later maybe blog again.

5:06 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009

To all Christians out there,
Happy Good Friday!
Or is it supposed to be a SAD Good Friday instead? O.o
Considering that it's the day that Jesus died on the cross for us..
Oh, but hey, it's supposed to be a good thing right?
Cuz he showed us how much he loves us and all.
Hahas, yups then,
Happy Good Friday!
To the non-christians, it's also a good day because it's a holiday.

Dunno where I'm going later.
I just know got some chocolates in my fridge that I can attack!

I know I'm supposed to be happy but I can't help but remember you.
I'm already trying my best to forget you,
but after 1 week plus of avoiding you,
I still remember you sometimes.
I wish I didn't but you keep coming into my mind.
I hear about you having loads of fun with other girls,
And I wonder, am I really that boring for you?
Well, I just wanna say,
I am certainly not boring, you asshole.
And if you find anything boring about my person,
please keep in mind,
It's not me, it's YOU.
My friends know me as the most un-boring person they know.
So ya, get the point??
Okay, go enjoy your life with some girl who's gonna grow up to be some haggard looking auntie,
while I enjoy my life with my sisters,
and someone whose way better than you in the future.

See yous!
Chiao :)

11:46 AM

Thursday, April 09, 2009

was a non-eventful day.
Was almost late for school yet again.
Had classes as usual.
Had an additional mathematics test.
No big deal, considering that we have tests practically everyday.
Classes, classes.
Then after school went home to take things,
then went back to school again for O Level Music class.

After the class, I went to Mcdonald's and waited for Sara and Evelyn there.
Bought the mudpie mcflurry.
Sat there, talking crap and laughing our heads off.
Then went home.

Went out again to have dinner at Bedok Reservoir.
Ate kuay chap.
Didn't have this dish for a long time already, because I was disgusted by how some stalls do not even bother to clean the organs properly.
Thankfully, this stall's kuay chap was super sedap and clean :)
Went to Sheng Siong to buy some snacks.
Then went home again.

& Pimples
totally sark.
Why do we even have there sickening skin issues??
Blackheads, oily skin, dry skin, whiteheads, acne, dilated pores, uneven skin tone, blah blah blah.
Stupid skin issues!
And they must pop out on the most prominent part of our body.
Namely, the FACES of some UNFORTUNATE people.
Like me -.-
Hate you, skin problems!!
I'll go for a chemical peel, or seek laser treatment, to eliminate all of you blasted skin problems!!

I'm gonna watch 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' now.
Bye yo! :)

9:43 PM

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Last time, the school councillor told us that we need closure in some parts in life.
Do I need closure?
Don't know but I figured that I should write down these stuff while I'm still inspired ;3
Closure is much needed for Kimmy Kayyy.

Sometimes I feel that I'm too late.
Too late to change things,
Too late to undo things that I've done,
Too late to do things that I could have done,
Too late to make things different,
Too late to make things better,
Too late to apologise,
Too late to take those opportunities that I've missed,
Too late to tell people things,
Too late to build a solid relationship with people,
Too late for everything.
I sometimes feel like I'm a failure who cannot do anything right.
And since I'm too late for everything,
Might as well turn my back on things,
run and never look back.
Run as fast as I can from everything.
Forget all those memories and run and run.
Then perhaps, things will fix themselves without me around.
And maybe one day,
I'll turn around,
Just a glance,
Just a smile,
Then I'll turn back
and continue running.
Sometimes avoiding things is the best thing to do.
But if I never confront my fears, that would mean that I'm a coward.
But I'll continue running.
Because a coward is what I am.

Nice or not??
I used to write these emo crap to express my feelings.
I thought that the above passage would express my emotions but I decided that I should be happy so..
I just wrote that down for fun,
while I have the inspiration to do so.

Kimmy Kayyy is anti-emo!!
Hee :)
Oh my gosh, am I talking crap?
I think so ._.
Ah anyways, just read the post below this one for some stuff that actually makes sense.

Okiekie ;3
Bye :)

8:38 PM

Ah.. Hi..
Today had netball match after school.
Had to play even though I have NEVER played a game of netball in my entire life -.-
Because there weren't enough upper sec girls to play.
Needless to say, I screwed up the games in which my house played.
Was playing GS in the first two matches, and WD in the last match.
Screwed up all luh!
Dunno why during practice could score goal so easily, but during the game itself keep missing.
Fark luh =,=
And me playing WD wasn't much better.
Sorry luh..
Hai ni men.. :(
Was damn pissed and unhappy with my sucky performance can?
I can't even contribute to my house.
Actually I can win in Cross Country, but this year don't have Cross Country event for some reason.

Besides the netball thing, everything was quite alright today :)
Thankfully, nothing adverse happened.
Or else I really would want to bang wall and die le =,=
Oh, but today was tired as always.
Had absolutely no energy to do anything.
Didn't bother to do certain things, cuz they're a waste of my energy.

Addicted to Milo and Red Bull!!!

Uber yumminess cans?!
Sara keeps telling me that Red Bull will give me heart problems in the future.
And all my friends keep saying "diabetes" whenever I buy Milo.
Heart problems and Diabetes in the future?!
Wonderful!! =D

(Er.. It's not true right??
I don't wanna die ._.
I want to have neither heart problems nor diabetes!!)

6:41 PM

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Hee hee,
Was almost too lazy to post this.


Legal age already hor,
That also means you OLD already liao!
Must be more matured!
Don't eat too much sushi and oysters!!
Kay kay, hoping for all the best for you :)
Have a nice life ahead of you.

Take cares,

9:57 PM

Oh ya, just remembered about the few bitches at the Marine Parade bus stop hor!

Kns, stand there stare stare.
Then wait for us board the bus only then point at us is it!
Na beh you all where really buay song quickly come tell us luh!
Dun wait for us to be on some moving bus then come and stare at us!
Feel VERY HAPPY LEH you all like to see our face.
Too chio alr is it??
Fark luh, you all like to stare then take picture hang on your bedroom wall la.
I very happy also leh, need to THANK YOU ALL for giving me a farking REASON to start tormenting you all.
Actually, I never do anything to you all de hor cuz I didn't have a reason to get that involved.
Daaaamn smart nia. Got think before making decisions or not?
Knn I know you all this type is chi kang chi kang act de. If want settle face to face is diam diam de.
Shit luh, please hor. That time I not happy go your class want settle, you all diam diam never say anything hor.
Somemore when ask okay le ma? Settle le ma?
You nod your head macham your head want drop off le hor.
Farking bitches can go get yourself into an accident or something or not?
You all farking ask for it de.
Dun say you never do hor, cb, we see alr what for we lie??
You like point people right?
You like stare at people right?
You like to act sarcastic right?
Always say face to face,
in the end only like to di siao us from afar like little primary school kids.
Please la hor, dun be childish alr hor,
Super kind Kimmy girl will show you how caring I am towards my Sec 3 juniors ;3
What, we're simply concerned about our dear sisters in Sec 3 rights?
Thought we are quiet one ah?
Sorry hor, even though we smarter than you doesn't mean we dun dare to confront you hor.
We'll see la.
For now, start planning how you're gonna kill yourself to stop wasting earth's resources.
Your family also very poor thing got you this type of person,
Cuz all you all learn is to aggravate us in the stupidest way possible.
Not happy??
Cb, i wasting my time on you all bitches luh.
See luh.
Fark you.
That's all.
You all are so gonna be my best friends ever manxzxcz.
See you all real soon.
Bye :)

9:06 PM

Wow I'm feeling really tired..
I've been feeling like I'm gonna die anytime soon since..
Last week -.-
My eyes are half closed all the time.
Can't even open them wide and I really feel like sleeping all the time.
I need to sleep!!
Rosi asked me to go late for school on Monday but late after 8am, even if its your first time, straightaway tio detention.
Sian, no point, so didn't go late lor.

Anyways, today had school as per normal.
Was almost late for school again.
Better manage my time better.
Or else waste my one time use free late card.
Kena held back for about 20 mins after school by the teacher.
Then after we got released, I had to go back home to take something.
And my alcohol cuz I aggravated my tragus piercing by attempting to stuff a earphone into my ear.
Can't wait for barbell or ring so I can finally put on both earphones.
Then bused to Marine Parade.
Ate snow ice, as usual.
Went to Mcdonald's after snow ice and took away a double cheeseburger.
Superrr unhealthy?
But it's comfort food okay!
Cannot help it -.-
Then went to class really late.

Humph, Jonathan didn't come for class today.
No luh.. He's not even in this class.
But he say he might come down to disiao the teacher today.
But he never.. So class was quite dull.
Never mind, cuz we came to class really late anyways.
Hee ;3

Was laughing with Sara during class about Bob, Bobby and Bobster.
Seriously luh, the worst is Bobster luh!
Who on earth would name their children Bobster??
(ahem, sorry uhs, if your name is Bobster. Poor thing. Lols.)

Okay, then class ended le then bused to Bedok Interchange then went home.
That's all.
Bye :)

7:52 PM

Monday, April 06, 2009


No wonder, cuz you only go for that kind of girls.
And I'm certainly NOT that type of girls!
Xia suay!

You can definately be great buddies with one of my friend's losers!!
Hahaha ;3

Ok I'll stop here first.
Slightly light headed =x
See yous!!

6:26 PM

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Just now went to Malaysia.
Wanted to catch a movie but it was too late.
So.. Went to have dinner at a nice Sundanese restaurant.
Yums ;3
After that went up to the cinema to buy caramel popcorn.
So sweet and cheap too, hahas.
Could literally smell the popcorn smell from levels below.
Walked around, but didn't get to buy anything.
Then went home at 7pm plus.

I like Woodlands for some reason.
Might be travelling there soon for something!
Yay! Lols.

My tragus piercing..
So far so good.
I'm like, cleaning it with alcohol at least twice a day.
But the alcohol bottle is leaking.
Knn dunno why leak also =,=
Going to finish (leak finish) soon, so have to get another bottle.
Happy with my piercing, and intending to change the stud to either a barbell or ring soon :)

And to end this post off, I would like to whisper something to you.
Hey, just wanna say,
I'm better than those girls you know.
Because, in case you don't know, I care for you.
Do they care the same way I do, or do they have you as a friend just for fun?
Friends care about each other, and that's something you should know :)
Now, I'm slowly getting over you.
And when I do, I'll appear in your life again.
And at that time, you'll regret losing me.
So go have a nice life with her, and her friends or whoever.
I'll be having a better life of my own ;3

Lollllll ;3
Okay, that's all.

10:03 PM

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Hello People!!

Finally pierced my tragus today ;3

Went to 'Stege' with Rosi after Physics.
We selected the type of studs that we wanted.
Rosi had her second lobe piercing on her left ear done first.
Then was my turn.
Sat on the stool and got my right tragus done.
Didn't hurt at all.
Felt like when you get your normal lobe piercing.
Paid and left the shop.
We spent like less than five minutes in the shop?

Now, I need to really take care of my piercing.
Hope it won't get infected.
Especially since the tragus is cartillage.

Oh, and it still doesn't hurt :)

5:33 PM

Friday, April 03, 2009

I decided to post this random post for my friends! ^.^

Rosi "Babi" Mummay
Sara "Zhu" Jie
Evelyn "Porky" Ah Ma
Xin Yi "Literal pig" Ah Ma

Where the heck did the pig thing come from?
Sheesh ;3

Sheng Yang Faggot Buddy
Sun Woo Deformed Sperm lols.
Joel Fit Fit
Brandon Shuai Ge and..wonderful storyteller?lols.
Wei Jie Shuai Ge
Jing Sheng Shuai Ge lols.actually thought of putting something else de.but not very nice luh..shuai ge better.lols.
Jordan Shuai Ge
Justin L. Shuai Ge
Izzul Funny Man
Syakir Funny Guy
Raymond Kor
Elonah Nu Er dunno how i become her mummy also.lols.
Wee Kian Nephew dun get it.you older than me leh!
Damien Weird Person
Yi Ting Noob Ting
Darren Crazy Guy
Chee Eng Pro Wrestler..?lols.

Wow took quite long to do this.
See see, actually I didn't write much.
Dunno why take so long.
Had to type out the font thing on my handphone somemore.
Heng never press wrong button.
Was kinda entertaining.

Okay gonna turn in now.
Have to go back to school tomorrow to complete my Physics portfolio.
Goodnight :)

10:31 PM

Today had the Chemistry test.
Was like.. Very easy?
I didn't even have to refer to anything and answered the questions using my own knowledge.
So proud of myself ^.^
(Later the results come back, i fail then i gg. Lols.)

Went to techview cafe after school.
Was chatting with the auntie there.
She's so friendly.
Then she give us special discount because we are her fans!
And she said to her assistant that she got supporters already and that if she got any problem, she'll come find us.

Went for the badminton trials after lunch.
Had fun.. But I couldn't play as well as last time :(
Didn't play for 3 years plus!!
And haven't been exercising recently either.
So I don't think I'll be able to get into the semi-finals and finals because I didn't play well.

The Chinese Dance people were practicing on the stage.
I had nothing to do so I entertained my friends by dancing.
Became high and started doing crazy stuff.
I threatened the sec 1 boy that if the shuttlecock is hit to me again, I'll eat it.
The shuttlecock did come in my direction and he told me to eat it.
And I put the shuttlecock into my mouth.
Not the whole thing luh and I didn't really taste it.
Just bit it between my teeth so it wasn't touching my tongue or other parts of my mouth.
Did it for a split second and people were staring at me and giving me weird looks.
Disturbed some sec 1 boy outside school and he shouted at me.
Guess he was pissed. Shrugs.
Disturbed Brandon also.
He was like,"Get away from me. I don't wanna get into an accident."
But I continued walking around him and laughing like the mad person I was.
Calmed down after that anyways.

I must NOT embarrass myself in the future :)

8:44 PM

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Actions have consequences.
That's something I'll have to keep in mind.

I don't know if I'm really over you right now.
Even though it has been awhile,
Quite awhile,
I still feel regret whenever I see you.
I dislike talking about you.
Why must it turn out like that?
I really wonder if things would be different
If I hadn't said those things to you.
Things could be different right now
If you didn't just start to ignore me like that.
You didn't care about me and only about her.
I thought that maybe that phase would pass.
But it didn't.
Slowly, I started to hate you.
I started to really hate you for not caring.
And when they started to dislike you,
I was actually glad.
If I hadn't jumped onto the bandwagon and started to show you attitude,
We could have gone back to being Best Friends.
Our friendship was destroyed just like that.
And I thought perhaps I could patch it back again.
Well, I thought wrong.
What's done is done.
I cannot turn back time.
I cannot undo what I've done.
And now I'm unhappy.
And I've been distracting myself from this for a very long time now.
I've finally decided to confront this and type this out.
Because sometimes, my heart feels heavy when I think about you.
Because things could have been different now.
But I ruined everything.
And I regret.
Regret is insight that comes a day too late.
And it was way too late when I admitted my feelings about you.
I don't know okay.
I don't know.
I don't know my emotions.
It's like everything is one big mess inside me.
I don't even know if the regret I'm feeling is for you.
But I'm guessing it is.

Actions have consequences.
That's something I must keep in mind.

And now, you've come along.
And you remind me of him.

11:00 PM

No, I didn't drop out of school.
Happy April Fools'..?

Went to Jack's Place for dinner just now.
Was craving for blood again.
Ordered the carpetbag steak, which is basically
Totally tender beef tenderloin
Stuffed with mushroom and N.Z Oyster.
And I actually managed to clear the whole dish, including the baked potato, soup, garlic bread, ice cream and tea.
I'm so fat.
Comfort food luh.
Stupid retribution.

There's CHEMISTRY test tomorrow and I haven't even studied for it.
Wth wth wth. So totally gonna screw it up luhs

Okay gonna burn midnight oil or something.
Bye ;3

10:22 PM

S is for the simple need
E is for the Ecstasy
X is just to mark the spot cuz that's what you really want
Sex is the answer
Never a question
Cuz the answer's yes
Yeah, the answer's yes

Lols. Sara sent me that song.

Anyways, today
Was bored..
Cuz nobody SMS me or talk to me..
So I SMSed Wei Jie! =D
Unexpected eh?
Okay luh.. Not that unexpected luh.. Hahas.
He was bored too so
He asked me to tell him jokes, but I dunno what jokes to tell.
So he started sharing a couple of jokes with me instead.

Sara jie and I were crazy today.
Cause we both received our stupid retribution.
That's what we call it.
And it sarks!

Later going out,
Later then I continue blogging.
See you :)

3:47 PM

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Those people are of no fun!!
After recess, my class was supposed to switch classrooms with 4C.
Second prank on the teachers.
Hee ;3
But nuuu...
Some unfun, boring people had to spoil our plans by refusing to budge from their own classrooms.
Serious spoiler, really.
The ones who were willing to participate were slightly pissed at those spoilers =,=
Cannot have some fun to brighten up the day meh?
Sheesh =/
In the end had to trudge back to our own classrooms cuz our plan was foiled.

Si Wee Kian. Make me think really got people saying stuff about me.
Lucky my friend remind me its April Fools' Day.

Ah anyways, today was a nice day.
Nice nice nice.

Wonderful, terrific day, in fact.
And you know why?
Cuz it's my last day of schooling!
Finally they made the smart decision and allowed me to quit school.
Hahaha so happy now =D
And also super happy cuz got one friend follow me quit schooling also.
Hahaha so from tomorrow onwards,
I'm free to do whatever I want!
It's quite ironic hor.
April Fools' Day to be my last day of school.

Okay that's all.
Bye :)

10:08 PM

Today's April Fools Day and..
My class is playing pranks on teachers.
We turned all the desks in the classroom to face the opposite direction.
As in, I'm facing the notice board at the back of the class now.
Using my handphone in class now but the teacher don't care.
So to everyone who has a sense of humour (or not, I don't care),

7:56 AM