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rely on me.
i'm yours.

Kimmii K.
Self obsessed.
If I can't be beautiful, I'd rather just die.
You think she's so good but she's a mess to boot
You don't really want to know me.

Pervert(s) who's planning to watch porn later


I want The Trouble Ring by Boucheron.
I want The Trinity Ring by Cartier.
I want To travel to Venice.
I want To travel to Greece.
I want To return to the U.S.A.
I want Real Love.
I want To rule the world
I want To make them sorry.

not alone.

MusicPlaylistView Profile

alternative exits.

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my days, not yours.

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thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Monday, June 29, 2009

Hello and welcome to my blog!
For this post, I'm going to educate you readers further about certain things in life you may or may not have pondered over..
And today's question is..

Is it possible to survive on a pure semen based diet?

This question popped up in my mind when I was reading a novel the other day.
(Reviews for that novel will be out soon on my blog.)

So anyhoo, I was thinking and I was like, whyever not? Why wouldn't it be possible to survive on a diet of semen?
Now, I'm assuming that you already know what semen is.
If you don't know what the term is refering to, ask your parents.

I raised this question to a couple of my friends today and they were amused to say the least.
Hence, for everyone's convenience and in the name of mankind, I decided to head home to google it.
I managed to find an answer and you can read all about it here!

According to http://forums.isteroids.com, contrary to certain beliefs, semen is NOT packed with calories or anything of that sort.
An average man ejaculates about a teaspoonful of semen when he does so.
Each teaspoonful of semen contains about 200-500 million sperm.
However, each teaspoonful will contain only 5-7 calories.

Sperm only makes up about 1% of semen, so what makes up the 99%?
Well, according to the website, the other ingredients are

Fructose Sugar
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
Citric Acid
Phosphate and Bicarbonate buffers (Bases)

Hmm.. Sounds like ingredients for some fruit juice or tangy candy eh?
Answering the question, semen is no substitute for a proper diet unless you're really keen on gulping down gallons of the stuff everyday.
Icky.. To me. But to some others, I don't know.

Another answer is that having a semen diet results in what is known as a Negative calorie gain. As semen has a low nutritional value, you're actually using more energy to eat (swallow) it than gaining energy from it.
Hence, my own conclusion here is that semen is of the same category of food as celery, garlic and lettuce.
They're all negative calorie food.

Also, if you're a guy and have the weird idea of consuming your own sperm as a quick snack, note that the amount of energy you use to produce the sperm is actually more than what you'll gain from drinking your own semen.

Well, I guess that if you're trying to lose weight and slim down, the semen diet is for you.
Now, if you're a female, all you have to do is to find some willing contributors to your sperm stock.
I'm not sure if sperm banks will sell packs to you.
On the other hand, if you're a guy and are willing to swallow your own body fluid, good on ya!
You'll get a work out producing the semen and also benefit from negative calories!
I'll just presume that semen is really filling.
Simply get a tablespoon ready.

The information I've just provided you was enlightening, wasn't it?
Now you all know!

Okay, this concludes today's post.
Go off feeling smarter and remember to tell all your friends about what you've just learnt from Kimmii's wonderful blog!

Take cares,
xoxo KIMMII!

11:51 PM

Today was back to school day.
There were teachers stationed everywhere, starting from the school gate through which I walked through.
All the students had to pass through a mass temperature screening at the concourse before heading straight up to class.
Kinda cool la, that.

Was slightly slacky today, which is a good riddance, for I would kill if they expect us to use our brains today.
Considering that I less than 4 hours of sleep yesterday.
I slept during Geography.. Really couldn't help it, what with the air conditioning and the comfortable environment.
The teacher didn't even scold me, surprisingly, even when I was blatantly napping in front of her.

We had to stay in class for recess and my school had ordered catering for us.
We were each given one packet of bee hoon. (I might have gotten the name of the noodle wrong.)
I have a photo of our meal but blogger is being anal.
Or maybe it's just a glitch cuz I'm using my handphone to blog.
Quite okay actually, despite it's plain appearance.

The teacher had to escort the classes to the main gate. We're like tourists/V.I.Ps.
I went with Evelyn and Shi Qi to Techview Cafe after school for lunch and went home afterward.
By the way, the food at Techview Cafe today SUCKS. Seriously, not nice to eat at all.
Tastes weird okay.

I'll be back later to blog about another topic, so stay with me for my next post.
See yo!

8:55 PM

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Yes, my dear friends, there's school tomorrow!
Except for those who are planning to skip school tomorrow.. Hee hee.
Well, I'm actually kinda looking forward to going back, to see my friends altogether again..
How exciting! Lols.
And I hope that Tuesday's outing to various institutions of education isn't cancelled =/

I tried buying vodka the other day.
The 7-11 aunty didn't allow me to.
She's such a responsible citizen of the country.
Or maybe she just wants to keep her job and not get arrested.



To psb, KELLY and Sara from my tagbox...

LOL :3

9:02 PM

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm back after a rather long while.
Just got my handphone back from servicing just now.
All better now.

Rest in Peace

Michael Jackson

1958 - 2009

50 years old was way too young for a great musician like you to go.
But you went away anyway, leaving behind a legacy of our time.
You're the Elvis of our time and you gave us your music, our happiness, at the expense of yours.

The day you passed on is to us the day the music died.
I refused to accept that you've passed away when I heard about it.
You were one of my favourite singers and will continue being so.
You can't stop the music.

I hope that you'll have peace in death, finally, after all the horrible things that have happened in your life.
You will live on in your music and videos, as well as in our hearts and memories.
Thank you, Michael, and farewell.

Your candle burnt out long before
your legend ever did

5:49 PM

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yo, didn't update since Thursday cuz I was too lazy.
Here's an update for those who wanna know about my miserable life.

My dad found out about my tragus piercing on Friday, but amazingly, I didn't get murdered.
Sara thought I had a cool dad LOL.

Went to Vivocity with my family and bought the tickets for the 7pm screening for 'Drag Me To Hell'.
Yes, I know, it's my second time watching it. LOL.
Walked around, I wanted to buy a new bag.
But ended up not buying anything.
I have to wait for next month for my spending limit to reset.

To cut a boring story short, went into the GV Max theatre and watched the movie.
I have to tell you, the sound system there was absolutely deafening.
But totally satisfying still ;3
I swear I'm now half deaf.
Even though it was my second time watching it, I still kena shocked by the super sound.
Funny sia, got one malay guy during the car scene shouted "Only a handkerchief also can sia, stupid!" in Malay.
He macham chua tio but cannot tahan cuz chua tio by a handkerchief -.-
Then he was shouting at the girl in the movie la.

After the movie, went for a late dinner, or supper, at Superdog.
The fast food restaurant?
Had a bacon lovers burger cuz I decided to heck care and eat like a motherfking pig.
And my dad discovered that I got pink hair =.=
Unlucky right?
But then again, they didn't scold me AT ALL WTF!!
Well, I don't know..

Yea, done ass with for Saturday.

Went for tuition and today, a different teacher was teaching.
Blah blah, bus-ed to City Hall to meet my parents.
Couldn't call them or answer their calls cuz my phone currently has a stupid problem.
Met them at Marina Square.

Had tea at some restaurant I forgot the name.
But it's a California themed restaurant.
Had a really good tea with their damn good mudpie and oh so sinful ice cream shake.
I swear I put on 2kg just by drinking that shake okay!

Walked around, walk..
Didn't buy anything, and went for dinner.
Then went home at an extremely early time of 7pm.

It's confirmed, even my mum knows that I have pink hair and even MY MUM didn't scold me.
I think they thought it was pink spray..

I'll stop here now, see ya soon goondussszxxczzz!!

Ahh.. When can I go for my Shesha..?

7:50 PM

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today was a wonderful day :)
Met up with Aisha, Michelle, Diyana, Norazian, Eddie, Suffian, Faris, Hassan, Webster and Asshidique.
Er.. I think I spelt some names wrong. LOL.

Met at Eunos MRT station.
I went up to the platform then went back down again cuz I accompanied a foreign couple there.
They wanted to get to City Hall.
I'm such a nice girl :3

MRT-ed to Orchard and walked to Shaw Tower.
Had lunch around there at Mac after purchasing the tickets for..

Drag Me To Hell

Yessa finally got to watch it!! :3
Ash couldn't watch it cuz he had classes and went off early.
Was chatting with the girls.. Then went into the theatre at 2.45pm.

The movie wasn't as scary as many people claim it is.
In fact, the movie wasn't even scary luh, it's more like a comedy to me..
Me thinks it's one of those new genre type movie, those horror-comedy type?
I was laughing throughout the entire movie.
Aisha went out barely 20 minutes into the movie luh.
I thought she was gonna come back but no.. She didn't
Eddie and I are gonna strap her to her chair the next time we meet up and watch a horror flick.

It's the first movie which got so many reactions with the people watching it in the theatre.
Throughly, sincerely enjoyed it..
I love it when people scream.
-ahem spoiler ahead-

To do some justice, the first scene when the small boy was being dragged to hell, was disturbing.
To hear the screams of the little boy.. Kinda disturbing.
But other than that, it was cool :)

Really recommend it to anyone who's interested in these.. Dark arts things.
Curses, Mediums, Ahmas.. Yup yup.
Really good MUST WATCH movie.

However, I fail to understand why this movie was given only a PG rating.
It seems like it should be NC16 luh.
I pity parents, who went into the theatre thinking it would be good to expose their tots to horror at a young age.
More like they will grow up to be mentally disturbed teens.
Ya, those with kids took their children out of the theatre soon enough.
And poor children who had to sit and suffer.

Someone must've bribed an officer to give the movie a PG rating. LOL.

Oh and guess where Aisha was..
She was watching..
And she was laughing about it when I told her I watched it.
Cuz she was like.. The anti-Hannah Montana activist.

After the flick, went to Far East Plaza.
After a while, we split up with the guys.
Walked around abit then stopped at a hair extension shop.
Was contemplating.. Then I suggested that we go up to see the other shops cuz they might be cheaper.
So we went up.
Was contemplating whether to get extensions..
Diyana went for it, then I decided to go for it after Aisha said she was gonna get it too.

So yea, three of us got extensions, and all three of us chose pink :)
I was thinking about the blonde, but decided to go pink in the end.
Finally got extensions!!
Have to buy the black hair spray before I get busted.
Smsed Sara and Rosi while I was getting my hair done, and they didn't believe me!

Walked around somemore, then slacked outside.
Bought some food luh.. I bought bubble tea.
Chat, slack, blah blah then proceeded to go home.

Bus-ed home with the girls and arrived home relatively early.

I was supposed to use my lappy, but my mother said no and told me to go do my work.
As if I will do. LOL.
Well, actually I am. LOL.
I'm actually reading up about Venice. LOL.
Venice is a really nice place, I'm so gonna visit it next time.

Today's a really great enjoyable day out guys :)
Hope to meet up soon again, and plans on that BBQ are so on alrights!

KIMMII wants to play pool and go for a Shesha session.
Who's free and willing to pei her, jio her out!!

8:53 PM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Hello freaky reader!
I'm at Vivocity now.. Sitting outside of Sushi Tei, waiting for my mum to REPLY MY SMS and PICK UP MY CALL.
Ah lucky there's wifi here :)

Went to Tampines Mall in the morning with my sister to watch a movie.
Met up with Sara and Xin Yi there cuz the initial plan was to sneak out to watch with them ma..
Anyways, watched 'Ghosts of Girlfriends Past'. It was a great movie which evoked some emotions in me.
Ahaha I wish I was Connor or something.. And Connor's uncle is so damn cool okay!!
I wish for so many things..
After the movie, dined at Seoul Garden. Been some time since I dined there. Hahas.
Lucky this time the oil didn't splash into my eye :)
Ate until I wasn't sure if I was full or not.
But yea, it's good.

Then went up to the balcony, where unfortunately, we didn't have any popcorn to burn. Hee.
Walked to Century Square.
I wanted to buy a new lighter at first, but ended up not buying anything.
Saving up for a real Zippo, yup yup.

After that, Sara and Xin Yi and I went our seperate ways and I MRT-ed to where I am now.
Might update again later, I'm gonna go do some other stuff now.
Ciao ;3

6:01 PM


is one of my favourite games and I just finished playing two rounds with my mum and sis.
Had loads of fun.

Scrabble has 100 little tiles with a single letter printed on each of them.
My mind is in a mess, with billions of neurons scattered and messed around.
Alike the game, I wanna arrange the neurons, put my mind back together.
Build bridges and blocks.
Life's so much easier when you have less to think about and your mind is clear.

Bad memories should be wiped out.
Then the world will be a much brighter place.

In a state of heightened despair and pain, the world looks darker and more monochrome.
It's pathetic, it really is.

Guess what, I'm a sucker.
I get depressed over the smallest, least insignificant things.
I'm dead serious.
Yet I keep doing stupid things that I'll regret later on.
Oh gee, stupid Kimmii.

It's like Primary 6 all over again.
Deja Vu much?
And I shouldn't bore you with my nonsensical prattle.
That's it then.

Might be catching a movie tomorrow with Sara and Xin Yi..
And I will be in my school uniform..

12:07 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


That's that one word. Boredom.
I'd much rather go to school now than
wake up late.
watch television.
use the fugging internet for the whole day.

In short, I'm bored.
So much so that I'm starting to hate the Internet.

Anyways, I seriously am going to suffer tomorrow.
Another whole day of rotting slowly at home.. Gah!!
I have homework to do but I can't do my homework when I'm in such a horrid mood like now.

I really need to go out before I die at home.
Fug.. Dying. Dying. Dying.

I'm freaking going mad here!!!!!
Today's a horrible day I swear.

5:20 PM

Monday, June 15, 2009

It was 11am when I made my way to Eunos MRT station to meet Sara and Rosi.
It has been some time since I went out with Rosi, and yes, happy mood, though nervous for another reason.
I was late once again, but anyways, we took the train to the Orchard station.
We made our way to Orchard Cineleisure.
Arrived there at 12pm, bought tickets for the Hannah Montana movie, which started at 12.15pm.
Sara treated me to the tickets :) Thanks jie.
Theatre was small, compact, but let me treat it as a happy form of elitism.

Took neoprints with them after the movie.
Damien came over, so took another round of neoprints with him.
The previous machine took prettier pictures, girls.
Walked out with our new member of the herd, Damien.
I had a nice time punching and hitting him. LOL.

Went to the Heeren.
Had lunch at Pasta de Waraku.
Jeremy and Kendrick came over to see Sara.
Ended up playing a fun game of Hide & Seek there :)
Heck to what people think, lose myself in the running.
Forgive me for being pathetic cuz today was the first time I've really explored the Heeren Mall.
Finally got to see the piercing and tattoo shop that I've heard to be "The Best in Singapore".
Was tempted to get something pierced. Heh.

Walked around, wanted to go to Far East Plaza around 5.30pm?
Yea.. Damien and Rosi split from Sara, I and the two guys.
I went to "Primitive Art Piercing &Tattoo" to finally get my tragus checked out.
Gawd, after much procrastination of like one month?
Finally got my sea salts from there :)
I like things that look medical and sterile.
Oh, and was tempted to get something pierced once again!
Was really tempted to go get my navel done there and then okay!

Then we went to stand outside of the shop.
I was feeling really jumpy and nauseous cuz I was supposed to meet Jonathan at The Cathay at 7pm.
Aw, no, I wasn't nervous to meet him or whatever, it was just that I would get assasinated by my parents should I return home too late.
It was just that.. I didn't want to risk anything, you know?

So Jonathan and I were supposed to watch 'Drag Me To Hell' there.
In the end, I cancelled the date with him.
And ended up feeling dead guilty about cancelling last minute.
Gah, stupid guilt thingie!!
Ah I swear I've gotta make it up to you one day, Jonathan!!
But I haven't figured out what just yet.
Heheh :B

Went out to buy drinks, back with Rosi and Damien.
Sara and the two guys went off cuz Sara had to go home early.
So three of us continued walking and then decided to travel to Funan the IT Mall just cuz Damien wanted to eat Taco Bell.
I know, absolute wtf.
MRT-ed to City Hall then walked to the mall.
Taco Bell was gone -.-
Didn't eat anything after all, simply walked around, taking everything in.

It isn't often that we get to stay out till that time.
Walked back to Raffle's City after walking out the wrong way.
We were actually heading towards Clarke Quay until I pointed it out.
J.Co, walked around abit, then went home at around 8pm plus.
Reached home near to 9pm.

Nice day out I should say :)
I have no idea when's the next time I can go out like this again.
What, after the O Levels??
Sigh.. Well, I've a class reunion on Thursday.. At Orchard too.
Looking forward to that eh.
Yea, that's all for today.

Maybe it's because you danced too long and danced too hard.
Your heels broke and your feet hurt.

You're high on Ecstasy and on the floor way down low.
Ignore the doubt, keep your eyes on the color.
Today you live.

I wanna play pool!!
Who's free to play, jio me out before I rot to death at home!!

10:13 PM

Sunday, June 14, 2009


is exactly how I'm feeling right now.

Have you ever felt so nervous, so anxious, up to the point where that nervous energy makes you feel nauseous?
That nervous energy can be so strong that it makes you hallucinate, and the real becomes surreal.
Reality as real as you may think.
Reality doesn't exist.

Lucky if you have never experienced this effect before.
I did.

Nervous to the point where somehow, there's a little voice urging me to stop at the back of my head.
Because that can't happen to me.

You can't believe it's actually gonna happen but oh, it did.
You realised you screwed something up and now there's no u-turn.

Turn back.
A glimmer of hope, hey it's not gonna be as bad as you think it'll be.
Reality, surreality.
Doesn't matter, it's not gonna come true.
Don't make yourself feel better.
And that energy just rips you apart and you wish you didn't exist.

It's the most happening thing in town.
Getting your life screwed.

welcome to the caravan.
You're in the spotlight.
Nothing else matters.
Rapid rush pushes through your head.

You can't take it, you have to talk to someone.
It's 3am in the morning, who's there to talk to?
I'll just sleep here and wait for the monsters to go away.

Hello Mum, Hello Dad.
I'm your daughter and I just had a nightmare.

11:04 PM

As of 14th June 2009, 1339 hours, Singapore has 34 confirmed cases of Influenza A (H1N1).
All 34 cases, except for one who was a close contact of a confirmed case, are imported cases with travel history.
Several persons were flown in from Melbourne back to Singapore after attending a wedding there.

Case number 30 is a 16 year old girl who attended the wedding in Melbourne as well.
She had symptoms on 9 June before she boarded the plane, and returned to Singapore from Melbourne on Emirates EK405 at 2350 hours on 9 June.
She was seated at row 49.

On 10 and 11 June, she returned to her school, Bedok North Secondary School, to attend some activities.
She was admitted to the Communicable Disease Centre (CDC) at Tan Tock Seng Hospital on 12 June night.

For further info, go to:

Yes, that 16 year old girl is from my school, and Sec 4 as well.
Rumours say that she's a certain someone (whose name I'm not at liberty to mention here), from class 4B.
And if the rumours are true, then I can say that the news saying that she returned to school on 10 and 11 June is true as well.
I can be sure because I saw her on 11 June.

I was standing next to where she and her friends were having an audition session for my school's BNSS idol with my music teacher.
Well, I was waiting for my teacher and I believe I stood around or less than 1 metre away from her.
Is that considered as close contact?

Well, I still feel alright now, so I currently assume that I wasn't infected with the virus.
Will update you, my loyal readers, with my status should anything happen.
Sayos :)

6:08 PM

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Yo, I'm back peeposs!!
Welcome back, big eyes!

After school, received an sms from mum, asking me if I wanted to go for a buffet dinner.
I was like, "yay!" cuz my family doesn't usually go for buffet dinners, what with us being small eaters and all.
Attended music before going home to change and all that, then bus-ed and MRT-ed to City Hall.
Met my dad and sister first.
They bought some stuff at the Suntec IT fair before I arrived.
Walked around for abit before meeting my mum at Raffle's City.

Went to 'Cafe Swiss' at Swissôtel.
Had dinner.. Duh.
I was doing and saying weird stuff to my family towards the end of our dinner.
As in, joking around, not dancing on tables.
Like this-

Gawd, can't believe I showed you that -_-

ANYHOO, was extremely bloated, and extremely elated cuz I ate way too much.
I actually wanted to stuff myself further but figured that would just be stupid.

Walked around Raffle's City a little then went home and by the time I got home, it was almost 11pm I think?
And just went there was an exam on Friday, harhar.

Was PRO ACTIVE and woke up early to get ready for tuition!
But was still late cuz my parents sent me there late -.-

After tuition, gave mum a call and she told me they were at Vivocity.
Hence, I pro-actively took a bus to Vivocity.
Met my dad there.. He wanted to put some stuff into the car and he forgot where he parked.
Finally found the car then put our stuff.
I went to Burger King to grab my lunch and I had to queue for 15 friggin minutes just for less than 1 minute of attention from the cashier =.=
Ate a double mushroom swiss burger and a taro turnover, yes I'm fat.

Met my mum, sister and aunt with my dad.
Walked around blah blah blah.

Went for dinner at 'Dian Xiao Er' again but this time we sat outdoors, which was a good place to sit.
My dad was kinda complaining to the waitress about our food being served slow, then I lectured my entire family about being nice to service staff.
Then when the waitress came back with our food, my mum and dad were like super nice to her.
I think it's cuz I told them that the waiters can and will spit in our food.
True fact, from Reader's Digest.

Next time, I'm ordering large.

Blah blah blah, dad and sis went to redeem Vivocity points then my mum, aunt and I were walking.
There was this African booth, run by two African guys.
We went there out of curiosity and I was overwhelmed by the attention I got.
The guy was like "camel bone, bring you luck, many many luck."
So cool cans?!
So I tried on a couple of necklaces which was proven by the guy to be genuine bone when he held a flame to the necklace and it didn't melt or burn.
I offered my lighter when he was searching for his.
And ended up being asked if I smoked when he was attending to me -_-
I said no , then he asked "then why do you have a lighter?"
Gah. I don't smoke. Hee.
In the end I bought a necklace while my aunt got one too :3
Go check their booth out, pretty products they have :)

Walked around somemore. Almost bought a Paris Hilton handbag. But didn't.
Sigh :(
Met my dad and sister later then went home.

Looking forward to going out again!! Which would be tomorrow.
Want to buy loads of stuff!
Oh, and I'm planning to open a blog shop in the near future.
What do you think?
Tag me loads yea?
See ya ;3

11:31 PM

Hello Hello!
Back from Vivocity.. Whee!
I didn't buy any clothes blah blah blah CUZ I had no mood to.
Didn't want to spoil nice clothing with my fats.

ANYWAYS, I've been feeling hyper since.. YESTERDAY!!
And.. I'm gonna do eye therapy soon!
My cucumber slices are cool and waiting for me in my chiller!
No, it's not real cucumber slices, it's some eye refresher mask I bought from Watsons just now.
Time to get rid of those unsightly eyebags.
Eyebags, shoo shoo!

I hope it works.
Will be back to blog after I'm done with the eye therapy!

10:54 PM

Friday, June 12, 2009

Now, I'm gonna post about Kok Peng!!

What to post uh?

I met him in AuditionSEA and he was my Audi couple until I became M.I.A this year.
So now he's my ex Audi couple!
The first time I met him, we never spoke to each other throughout the whole meeting and my friends pang sei me in an attempt to get me to talk to him.
Which didn't work btw.

His underwear can fly cuz his underwear drink Red Bull.
Don't ask me, he ask me say this de :3

He's 17 this year and studying in Balestier ITE.
That time say want to find me at my school but in the end never.
Like real luh! As if Balestier very near to my school like that.

Today I told him that bird will shit on his head when he walk out of lan shop.
It's retribution cuz I ate KFC today.

Then actually I ask him to post about me but he say dunno what to post.
So I post about him first to give him "inspiration".

I don't know what else to say, only that he owes me sushi.
OH YA, and his hair very smooth.
I'm gonna spray it purple next time.
Or cut it, depends on my mood.

Nah, got inspiration already?
I'll stop here, bye bye peepos :)

9:11 PM

The End

of SPA Exams is finally here!
Chemistry, Biology and Physics SPA is over!
Sheesh, it's not as if the O Levels are already over -.-

Wow killjoy much.

Shall not bother to elaborate about today's Physics exam.


in the inside exists, but not in peoples' eyes.
Not it's non existant.
People who complain about others being shallow, guess what,
It's a shallow shallow superficial world we live in.
Seriously, who cares about inner beauty?
It's a plastic plastic skin deep thing everyone strives for.
Everyone wants to be part of the beautiful people.
Nobody goes round to look at your inner beauty cuz what counts is your looks.
Your body, your face, that's all what matters nowadays, doesn't it?

But if everyone's beautiful, then who truly is?

4:19 PM

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I have a lifetime prescription of Prozac pills
Have to swallow them even though I don't want to.
Doctor's giving me laughing gas couple times a day.
I feel like laughing even though I don't feel like it.
I'm attached to a morphine drip 24/7
And is this normal?
I don't think so.
I'm getting so ecstatic I ask them to detach the life support
And to perform euthanasia on me.
And then I would die laughing at the suckers left back there on a place called Earth.

Gonna sleep..
Came back pretty late considering that I have a Physics SPA Skill 3 exam tomorrow.
Will blog the next time.
Goodnight everyone.

11:48 PM

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

As requested and agreed upon to post, here it is!

The list of 'Ten Little Things Which Amuse Me'.

1) Couples "wrestling" in public places.
By wrestling, I mean extreme PDA-ing.
I don't care if you think it's romantic, love wrestling amuses me.
So extreme PDA loving couples, go ahead and make my day! =D

2) This

Can you see it? It says "Every time you masturbate, God kills a kitten".

Think about the kittens!

3) Cartoons

Everyone loves cartoons!

4) Pokemon

5) Scaring people.
They should see their own faces when they get scared by me, him, her, them, themselves.
Scaring people is the new black!
Whatever will I do without people who get frightened easily, I'll never know.

6) Seeing a guy who gives up his seat for a pregnant woman..
Except she's not pregnant.

Guy: Here's a seat ma'am, for you and ya baby.
Woman: What baby?
Guy: The baby ya carrying ma'am. You're preggers aren't ya?
Woman: I'm not.

7) Seeing a guy get beaten up by a pregnant woman.
Or a seemingly pregnant woman.

Woman: Why would you think I'm pregnant? I'm most certainly not.
Guy: Well, son of a bitch, if ya not preggers, then what in Jesus' name is tha giant bump at your tummy?
Woman: I have no bump.
Guy: Holy. I haven't seen one tha big since ma cow Dolly gave birth, and boy, was she huge!
Woman: Don't push it.
Guy: Well, tha can only be one explanation. Ya fat lady. And when I say fat, I do mean fat. Pheew!

What happened after that was.. Ugly.
And kinda cool.
And amusing.

8) Karate

Sensei Nursey demonstrating a flying kick.

Sensei Nursey practising his Mae Geri kick

No clue as to how it's amusing.

9) Guys using tampons as effective nosebleed plug absorbers.

10) Releasing a silent fart of deadly stench in a crowded lift.
And not admiting it.
And feeling relieved in the inside that no one knows it's you.

Okay, done!
Hope to find more little things that make me snigger, smirk, entertain me, or simply laugh out loud.
Any suggestions? Just tag at my tagbox then.
See ya!

(By the way, it took me nearly an hour just to do this thing on my phone okay! You should be grateful!)

9:18 PM

The photos above are not in portrait cuz I can't rotate and upload them on my phone :(
Sorry for the inconvenience.

Zomgoshess I look like some FAT VAMPIRE RABBIT IN THOSE PHOTOS!!
And the last photo looks like I have some light red nosebleed of diluted blood -.-

Today went to school for classes once again.
Then had Biology SPA Skill 3 exam.
The question was quite easy, so I hope I'll be able to score full marks for this.
Lols, well, at least some really really good marks :)

Sara and I then went over to East Coast Park after that to meet Kok Peng.
Sara was so scared to alight from the bus luh! LOL.
She thought her mum was in the bus behind us :3

We bought ice cream from Mcdonald's then walked to East Coast Park.
Waited for awhile cuz Kok Peng went away to buy stuff.
He came back then we chatted for awhile, just to catch up with each other.
Kok Peng asked us if we wanted to go to the BBQ pit to sit but we declined cuz we were anti social at that time.

Kok Peng hair so smooth okay!!
I never touch luh. It looks smooth -.=
I felt like messing it up. LOL.
But didn't.
The next time I see him I'm gonna spray his hair purple. Heh ;3

After chatting, Sara and I left to buy slurpee then I went home while Sara went to meet her mum.

Skipping to another topic..

Beachy Stuff

Sara and I were walking at ECP and our conversation went like this.

Me: Wth I'm imagining a couple having sex on the beach.

Sara: Wtf! Don't imagine that you sicko! Wa laoooo!

Me: Okay.. Heh. But really leh.. Wth luh.

Sara: LOL. Later they are fucking there then the girl goes "What the fark is this wet thing??" then the guy is like "What the fark! I never cum luh!!"

Me: Lol! "Wth, why wet wet one? You got use condom??" "WHAT condom??"

Lols. We're lame and weird. I know.

Welll.. I'm supposed to blog about '10 Little Things That Amuse Me', but I haven't really gave it any thought yet.
I'll do it later then.

Before I end this post, take a look at this.. Amusing picture of a beach.

If you're asking just what is so amusing about the picture..
Let's leave it at that. LOL.

Till next time,

7:11 PM

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

And we all sing,

And they wait for her to come home one day.

Love turns up in strange places.

She was born in a family of the upper class.
From the window she saw a man.
Scruffy. Homeless.
Why would anyone fall in love with a homeless man?
She did.

Gleam of who he used to be in his eyes.
Sneaking out became a regular habit.
He wasn't so sure at first.
Why would anyone fall in love with a homeless man like him?
She did.

He told her stories of the world, of all the things he used to do.
There was no way anybody could lie about all that.
You could see the truth in his eyes, behind the dirty clothes.

She brought him home one day, made good of him.
A bit of washing up, and a change of clothes.
He became the man he used to be.

She loved him. He loved her.
There was no doubt about their passion.
Her family found out about him.
Why would anyone love a homeless man?
No status. No wealth.
She loved.

He was turned away, back into the streets which he once roamed aimlessly.
She ran out, ignoring her family.
Escape was the only thing on her mind.
Status. Wealth.
Why would those things matter to her?
She had been surrounded by those from the moment she was born.

They went to the seaside.
She loved him. He loved her.
He told her stories she had never heard off.
The rays were orange, red, yellow.
Who would love that man?
She would.

Walked into the water.
Fine clothes stained with saltwater.
Hand in hand.
Sun ahead of them.
A slow stroll.
To the brightness in front of them.
Up to their necks, waves crashing.

A whisper in the ear.
A kiss given.
A step taken.
To join the ranks of those who had ever loved.

Maybe they were created to love.

Come love, see my hands

8:33 PM

This is ME in ten years time! =D


6:17 PM

Rosi and I

Yea, I can finally upload images onto my blog using my phone! =D

Well, today had mandatory classes..
Sara and I were trying to eat our Carbonara pasta during Physics.
We were kinda successful.. But our food got cold and we had to avoid getting caught by the teacher.
I enjoy my classes now :)
Though both of us were pretty mad during Math just now cuz we were doing this Add Math question while the teacher was teaching another one.
Both of us kept getting called up to do stuff, so yea.

Evelyn and I ponned Add Math extra tutorial after the mandatory classes.
Went straight home.

Have Biology SPA Skill 3 tomorrow.
Must NOT screw it up.

Alright, will be back to blog later perhaps.
See ya! :)

2:51 PM

Monday, June 08, 2009

I have yet to update about Chemphio, so here it is :)
I truly enjoyed the camp very very much.
Really miss it now.

After the mandatory classes in the morning, went to my house with Sara to get some of my camping stuff.
Then went to Techview, where we had lunch with Evelyn and Xavier.
Then at around 2.15pm, Sara and I walked to the 7-11 side to buy some snacks for the camp.
Evelyn didn't have to go as she's in combined science now.
Went back to school and reported at the AVA room.
Sara and I were like the first few people to go there. Heh.

After the camp briefing, had a Physics datalogger experiment, followed by a Chemistry datalogger experiment.
I didn't know that my school had laptops to do science experiments..Until the experiment itself.
Wth right?
Anyways, the datalogger experiments were really fun and easy to do :)

After the experiments was the Science Group Games.
We were given slips of papers with the element written on it randomly, and we were supposed to find our group members, as in the Periodic table Group.
Sara got 'K' for Potassium and I wanted it, so she gave it to me.
So I was in Group 1 with Sun Woo, Wei Sheng, Alvon and Xiao Li.
We had this amazing race kinda game, which my group came in first place.
Then was the 'Pyramid Game' which was something like taboo, only with science related words.
My group beat Sara's group in the final faceoff and thus, my group ultimately got first place overall.
Heh ;3 Smart right! Hoho.
Sara's group got second place though.

Dinner was fine, but I couldn't eat much as usual.
After dinner was a Chemistry tutorial with Mr Aliff.
Sara and I were the last to leave and we got entertained by the three science teachers in the lab with their weird.. Statements and.. Drawings..
Anyways, we didn't have time to shower as there was only 15 minutes for us.
We can't shower in 15 minutes.
Went back up to the AVA room, and went down again to wash up and change.
When we went back up, Mr Aliff was asking if anyone wanted the P.E mats to sleep on later.
Apparently, only Sara and I wanted them.
So we followed Mr Aliff to get the mats.
Mr Aliff said to Miss Lenny who was in the staff room, "Your two princesses want the mats."
By that time I was feeling bimbotic.. A la Paris Hilton.
So spoiled and pampered.
Unbecoming of a trained senior in NPCC. Hahas.
Got the mats up.

For the movie time, we watched 'Stardust'.
Initially, they wanted to screen a horror movie, but in the end, the programme was changed because Sara really couldn't take horror movies .__.
I didn't want her to get out of the room so I helped to persuade the teacher. Kinda.
Oh, and both of us were the only girls to sit on chairs during the movie.
Hee, as I said, pampered.

The movie ended at around 12.30am, which was rather early for me.
The girls' bunk was the LTR1 while the boys slept in the AVA room.
We initially wanted to ton with some girls and the guys but in the end didn't.
Didn't even get to go on a night walk at 2am.
Ate cup noodles, and talked in the room.
Turned in at around 2.45am.

Woke up at 6am and went down to the shower room to bathe.
Took our own sweet time to shower and get ready.
Took about like what? Half and hour plus?
AS I HAVE MENTIONED EARLIER, absolutely unbecoming of a senior NPCC cadet ;3
Arrived late for the morning exercise and the girls didn't even do the warm-ups anyway.
Didn't play Captain's Ball afterward. Was the reserve.
Had breakfast, which I couldn't finish then had Biology tutorial with the whole class as most of the combined science people retained pure Biology.
First was the Biology datalogger experiment, which my bench didn't get to do cuz we started earlier.
I thought that Miss Lenny said to start the experiment, but she didn't. She simply said to play around with the various functions.
My bench consisted of Darren, Ali, Matin, Sara and I.
Miss Lenny came over and scolded us. Alright, but for some reason, she seemed to be scolding Darren in particular.
Guilty =x
Darren then started playing with the laptop. Pinball, as Miss Lenny had told us to "play around".
Then he told us that we were going to do the experiment with 100 degrees celcius water.
Couldn't reach a hundred, so settled on eighty degrees.
Ah, we were crapping around with the apparatus luh.
The smell of digesting milk was really bad. We were doing an experiment on enzymes by the way.
Then during Biology tutorial, I was so tired of the slowness of the class that I was guai lan-ing throughout the lesson.
Sorry if I annoyed anyone with my shoutouts ;3

After lunch, had tutorials for Physics and Chemistry in LTR1.
Then proceeded to the AVA room for a quick debriefing, clean up, then it was time to go home.
It was about 3.30pm at that time.

I want another camp!

English camp, Science O Level camp, Math camp, Humanities camp..
All also can!!
I waaaaant!!

Okah, gonna stop here.
Before I go, here's another cartoon for ya'all ;3

Hahas, bye bye.
Enjoy :3

9:14 PM

Screwed up my Chemistry SPA Skill 3.

Suicide is definitely on the list.

7:31 PM

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Hey peeps!
Decided to create a seperate post for this piece of good news!


Alright, it's bad news for some.
Oh, Chemphio! Is actually a science camp that my lovely Science teachers put together.
They're so cute, I swear.
I was giggling to myself just now as I reread the letter telling us about the camp.
I was imagining my Chemistry teacher brainstorming for a suitable name for the camp.

Eureka! How about Chemistry + Physics + Biology?
Put them all together and you get..


The image was so adorable okay!
Although I'm not sure if the name was thought up by her.
It could also be thought up by my Physics and Biology teachers too.
Though you won't see why it's cute.
Ah, see here I am, obsessing about the name of the camp -.-

Anyhoo, I would be in this camp which is an overnight camp, until Saturday evening.
A pretty short camp, and one that requires little physical stamina.
Only mental stamina is needed for this camp, as we'll be planning and conducting several experiments throughout the camp.
*Batteries not included*
Wonderful! =D
I'm sure it'll be uber fantastic!

Vivian, Sara and I are planning to stay up all night long.
Though I really doubt that we will. Lols.
We'll either be forced to sleep by the science teachers or tiredness will make us doze off quick enough.

I still remember one of my NPCC camps, where my friend and I challenged the guys to see who could ton the longest.
The guys went to sleep really quickly.
My friend and I, and a few other seniors, played cards all night long.
We stayed up all the way until about 4am plus.
I then couldn't take it and took a nap until around 5am plus, before we were required to wake up.
Hahas, good times.
I miss my earlier years of Secondary school :(

See, I'm straying away from the subject again =.=
Summary is: Excited for the camp. Hope it's fun :)

I'll stop here.
Goodnight and Goodbye;3

10:40 PM

Wow, two girls actually said that my English was lousy and that I really needed to improve my English just now on one of the girls' tagboard.
Well, they said that because I tagged in horrendous broken English a few hours before.
After I was criticized about my "sucky" English, I immediately replied on the tagboard, with my usual English.
The two girls continued criticizing my language until Sara came in.
Sara then told them that I, in fact, topped the entire level in the English subject.
There was a little arguement over there, but it was over soon enough.
Anyways, those two girls can choose not believe that little fact Sara dropped, and continue believing that I have poor, sub-standard English.
Poor, unsatisfactory, sub-standard broken English, which I definitely do not possess :)

10:26 PM

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Able to post some photos as I'm FINALLY using my lappy!
Alrights, here they are-

Lols. Mat Kimchi Siol!

Lol Lol Lol

Sara Jie and Me

Me and Evelyn

Ya la ya la. Zi lian la =.-

Actually I got ALOT more Zi Lian photos.
1) I don't look good in some of them.
2) I lazy to post all.
3) I have to log off soon.
4) I bet you won't wanna look at my face so much.

Oh, and I edited the slideshow on the right.
And I edited my playlist too.
Retained some of the old songs, Removed some of the old songs, And added in some new songs.

Ah, well.
I'll stop here.
Bye bye peepos!

9:48 PM

Hi yo'.

Woke up late this morning..
I mean, woke up early this afternoon.
Felt like crap and was trying to go back to sleep when my sister woke me up by repeatedly pounding on the door for like what,
15 minutes?
I finally threw open the door feeling pissed and guess what, she wanted to get a cd from my room.
To go to her friend's house to watch.
Ah anyways, didn't go back to sleep and instead got up to watch television.
Was feeling hungover like mad even though I didn't drink yesterday.

Cried while watching a rerun of a local serial on Channel 5.
The doctor drama serial.. What's that called?
'First touch' or something like that.
So suay when just got up catch that episode which was really heartbreaking to watch.
But lucky after that was an episode of a rerun of a local comedy series, 'Achar'.
I love local dramas.

After that, got up from the couch to go take a shower, and seriously, I swear, almost fainted.
Was having this downright, dizzy pounding sensation in my head and I nearly blacked out.
Stumbled to the toilet, and I almost vomited.
Keyword is almost.
Which means I didn't puke.
Felt horrible there and then cuz not only did I feel damn nauseous, I also had a really bad stomachache.
I was wondering if that was the gastric Sara kept going on about.
After a while, felt slightly better and showered.
However, I was still feeling sick after that.
Am feeling a slight headache now.

Ah, how to study like this?
What's it doing to my health.
Damn this.
I'm gonna try anyways.
Will blog later.

I didn't say I'm not unhappy.
Hate Love Hate.
The sound machine is ringing, ringing, ringing.
Hate Love Hate Love.

3:32 PM

Monday, June 01, 2009

Lol Lol Lol.
I would never do self assassination.

Anyways, I simply have to rave about the latest novel I have just finished.

'Snuff' by Chuck Palahniuk

is one not for the kids or the prudes out there.
The novel is deliciously exciting and amusing, and yet disturbing, dark and heartbreaking at the same time.

The story revolves around porn princess Cassie Wright, who intends to cap her legendary career by breaking the world record for serial fornication.
On camera, Cassie will screw and fuck 600 men as her final porn movie.

Snuff is written in first person form, and is written mainly from the perspectives of Mr 72, Mr 137 and Mr 600.
600 men awaiting their turn to get laid with Cassie, all 600 in one crowded room, and the drama unfolds.

Although to some, on the surface, it comes by as just an entertaining, erotic read, the novel actually makes me wonder about many things.
Reaching deeper, you'll come to think and brood over what we actually live for, happiness, life itself, the human race, and love.

Chuck Palahniuk is the author of several bestsellers, including the novel 'Choke' which was recently made into a movie.
In 'Snuff', he breaks down all barriers and brushes aside any taboos to weave a read so daring and dangerous, so real yet unbelievable, that it will continue to haunt you even after the last sentence.

True fact.

It was recommended in The Straits Times newspaper some time ago by the way.

Right, that's all now.

11:37 PM

Nasi Wawoo Ji Ba Ban


and Sara asked me to blog about her.




6:53 PM

Today's the first day of the (non) holidays.
What should I do today?
I think I should go study but there's loads of distractions here.
Not loads.. But I'll still find stuff to do.
Feel like heading to school.
Bo bian ma.. Nothing to do -_-
Sara jie ask me go out with her tomorrow.
Hope can ba.


Oh, and this is my 200th post.
Lols, hurrah!

11:57 AM

I need to exercise!!

But I don't know how -_-

Alrights, goodnight peepos.

12:15 AM