I guess I thought more about this today than I should but I gotta write it out.
I don't regret anything. Good or bad, I like it all for it made me the person I am today. I may be contented and grateful with and for everything.
Every experience has helped me think more. I've seen more of the world and I've learnt to be smarter.
Every experience makes the fall less painful. Every scar makes the flesh hurt less. Though people might hate you and never talk to you again, it is worth it in the end.
Cuz society is going to shit.If you don't take the chance now, you're gonna hurt like hell in the future. Better to accomplish everything life has to offer now than wait in belief and hope.
I am grateful for the break up and everything that came with it. I am grateful for the chance to be single again. I feel like I can breathe.
I am grateful for a chance to see the world - To experience things I've never did. To meet new people I've never met. To succeed in things I've never succeeded in before.
We only live once - You have to get your emotions out of the way to catch up with the rest of society.
♥ 6:26 PM