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rely on me.
i'm yours.

Kimmii K.
Self obsessed.
If I can't be beautiful, I'd rather just die.
You think she's so good but she's a mess to boot
You don't really want to know me.

Pervert(s) who's planning to watch porn later


I want The Trouble Ring by Boucheron.
I want The Trinity Ring by Cartier.
I want To travel to Venice.
I want To travel to Greece.
I want To return to the U.S.A.
I want Real Love.
I want To rule the world
I want To make them sorry.

not alone.

MusicPlaylistView Profile

alternative exits.

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my days, not yours.

September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
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February 2007
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March 2010
April 2010
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September 2010
May 2011
June 2011

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

Friday, June 03, 2011

I guess I thought more about this today than I should but I gotta write it out.

I don't regret anything. Good or bad, I like it all for it made me the person I am today. I may be contented and grateful with and for everything.
Every experience has helped me think more. I've seen more of the world and I've learnt to be smarter.
Every experience makes the fall less painful. Every scar makes the flesh hurt less. Though people might hate you and never talk to you again, it is worth it in the end.

Cuz society is going to shit.
If you don't take the chance now, you're gonna hurt like hell in the future. Better to accomplish everything life has to offer now than wait in belief and hope.

I am grateful for the break up and everything that came with it. I am grateful for the chance to be single again. I feel like I can breathe.
I am grateful for a chance to see the world - To experience things I've never did. To meet new people I've never met. To succeed in things I've never succeeded in before.

We only live once - You have to get your emotions out of the way to catch up with the rest of society.

6:26 PM

Thursday, June 02, 2011

For the first time in a long time, I'm truly happy.

11:48 PM

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I need a boyfriend.

Cuz I have no life.
I could be out partying tonight but nooooooooooooooo..

12:26 AM

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My greatest and, probably, only worry after having broken up with you is..

That I probably would be ostracized from the guild in World of Warcraft.

Yup. No more calls to join raids, no more dungeons, no more outings with the guild. Thing is I really like the guild, what with the achievements and progress. However, breaking up with you is probably gonna hinder my personal progress in WoW, as the guildies are your friends, not mine. You've already painted an unfavorable picture of me for them, I assume. They've already deleted and blocked me from Facebook.

So yes, to the world, I'm actually pretty upset over this. World of Warcraft. Snigger. (Don't criticize.)

I'll see how it goes then. Perhaps I would have already been booted out of the guild. Then I'd have to move on to another guild.


4:32 PM

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I shouldn't hurt when I see you.

For the sake of myself and the people around me, I hope I won't have to remember everything and anything I have ever done with you in the past. People tell me to keep the good memories and get rid of the bad - bullshit.

For me, the good memories were a farce. They weren't even real. After all, when you've been lying to me for a good one year plus, there is nothing else much to say. Like I've mentioned before, the person I fell for isn't really you. It was an imaginary character you decided to brew up in order to win me over.

Fuck you.

Now I'm fucking happy without you. I met new people, I made new friends, I get more compliments than ever. I'm doing exceptionally well in my school, like never before - Striking teachers as highly intelligent with great potential to go far in life. Something you wish you possessed, no doubt.
All these changes right after I left you. Yes, you.

My friends have always told me to leave you for you clearly were not deserving of somebody like me. I shut an eye to your lack of academic talent. You didn't know what you wanted to do in life. You loved to blame things on the government. And that is something I never liked for it plainly shows how pathetic a person is, but I accepted you all the same.
And even after showing me just what you wanted to do in life (nothing), you decide to hurt me. For a time span of one year plus. It's like I'm the one with the bloody bright future, I bring the dough home, and you sit around, thinking of various ways to hurt a girl.

And when I'm already nursing a sore wound, you decide to rub shit into my cuts and piss on my face. And get mad at me when I get upset.

I find it amusing how after I broke up with you, old friends came back to tell me, "Ahh, he didn't deserve you anyway." They said, "It's his loss for losing a pretty girl like you." They said, "Go out and meet someone who's actually _____(insert positive adjective)."

You seriously never knew that I was one of the best girlfriends you could ever find?

I am honest; I am faithful; I am tolerant; I am understanding; I listened to you and didn't do stuff you didn't want me to do; I cut off social connections you disliked; I never went anywhere that would make you uncomfortable; I fought for our relationship; I took time to do sweet stuff for you; I have a bright future; I'm not like those stupid, run-of-the-mill bimbos you see nowadays. There are many other qualities I possess which you would never touch again.
I lost my self-confidence right after I got together with you.

Oh yes, before I forget, ladies and gentleman, the guy decided that I wasn't good enough for him because I didn't feel uncomfortable wearing tank tops/ sports bras/ hot shorts for him. Also, because I didn't do stripteases for him. He said, "If you really loved me, you would have _____(insert whatever here)." He didn't say it outright, of course, (because he loved me the way I was), but instead did things to get the message across.
Actually, not really. He had to wait for me to find out stuff. One bloody year later. Plus.

Well, I'm sorry I wasn't a slut. Apparently you're a huge fan of sluts. After all, you got pretty acquainted with one before, yes?
And yes I'm being slightly sarcastic, but who gives a flip?

Our "relationship" begun spiraling downward just a few days (weeks maybe?) after I said 'yes'. Truth is, you begun lying to me even before we got together. Like I said, I forgave you time and time again. Could you believe that?

And I never hurt you before. Never. The entire relationship. Perhaps just once or twice, due to minor issues, and you got over them within a day. I was on the losing end of the deal. What a sucker, me.

By the way, he was my first boyfriend.

I honestly don't know where you could find a better girl than me. Bitch.

Could you believe all this?

10:50 PM

If you ever find yourself in love with two people, always go with the second one.If you were really, truly, undeniably in love with the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one.

I never thought about it that way. Hurts too much though, if you were on the losing end. You would have thought he or she would fight for your love and stay with you.

After everything. I still love him. After the fights, the broken promises, and the broken hearts. I still love him.

I wish things went back to how they were.

Not really.

Do you know what love is? Love was me forgiving you time and time again. Love was me saying 'No more', yet giving you another chance the next time. Love was me holding you and weeping as you hurt me. Love was me crying every night and praying things would get better. Love was me putting up with your lies. Love was me imagining our future. Love was me hoping that one day, God would sort it all out. Love was me hoping that one day, you would appreciate the things I've done for you. Love was me wanting to be your only one. Love wasn't about what you bought for me, or the money spent on me. Love was supposed to be about the simple things you did. The lies, the things you hid from me, the hurt you caused me, made everything disappear.

But still, I stayed because I loved you.

That was the last straw and I'm happy to be free now. Now, I know that one day, somebody would love me, truly and deeply.

With all the truth he can muster from the very soul of his heart.

1:10 PM

Monday, May 09, 2011

I went out today!! Like finally, heh.

So, met Aloysius at Ion (where he initially got lost while trying to find me). Headed toward Cathay and had a few rounds of pool. He helped me improve my sucky pool skills. Though still mediocre, Aloy helped me loads, heh.

Head down to Kofu for drinks, then off to Bugis!! (For shisha.)

It has been like what, half a year since my last shisha session? I think. Perhaps less. Ordered Strawberry and it tasted more like Apple. Well in short, the waterpipe was great today. I managed to get pretty stoned ahaha!! Lightheaded with a slight headache after inhaling repeatedly while chatting away with Aloy.

Pretty good company, this fellow.

Parted ways round 7.15pm and I headed home for dinner!! Homemade aglio olio is pretty delicious.

I love shisha, but this smoking is taking it's toll on my skin, or so I think. Other factors probably count too.

My ex-lover stole my youth away.

Today was great!!

10:51 PM

Sunday, May 08, 2011

I'm In Love With Judas.

11:41 PM

Friday, May 06, 2011

He's gone now.
I choose to believe that he had died, even though he still physically exists.
It's just that.. He just physically exists. Just.
The person I fell for never really lived at all. He was just an imagination.

It hurts, but I guess we all have to move on.

I don't know if I should just delete all the old posts with him in it.
Or perhaps keep them as memories of what we once had.

I'll decide some other time then.

Was I not good enough? You said I was.
I know I was better than you should have deserved.
I would have done anything but you broke my trust.
You robbed me of my love and spirit.
You cheated me.
Somebody else would appreciate me. I'm no longer yours.

9:12 PM

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I'm waiting for an email so I can do my Written Report.. Which is due on Thursday. So while I'm waiting, I shall write a little here.

What makes a good relationship partner?

Looking at myself, I fail to see anything that would make me a good partner.

I'm not pretty enough, let alone beautiful, and that is the first thing guys look out for. People tell me I am, and strangers act interested in me and all.. But looking around, and looking into the mirror, I can't help but wonder what exactly it is they look at when they look at me. Perhaps they see me as a desperate girl who would be willing to give them what they want- Sex? I compare myself to other girls all the time. Every part and every aspect. I am never contented.

I'm not uber smart or intelligent. People may think I am or believe that I am, but I see myself as an average kid. If I were, I would have made it into the news by now. Thing is I'm just some unknown whom nobody bothers about.

I'm not interesting enough. My social life had wasted away over the past years. Sometimes, I cannot find anything else to talk about other than school. I can't go out because I am grounded. My social relationships slowly wilt when I find myself being withdrawn from the outside world.

I'm an emotional wreak. I cry a lot. I rarely feel happy. I feel lonely most of the time. I'm never satisfied. I lack the ability to feel love or to love with all of myself for I am afraid to get hurt. I'm paranoid. I don't want to live a lie.
The quote "Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all"- I'd rather never have loved at all. I'm difficult to understand. I frustrate people. I hurt people because I'm afraid.

I wish I was just perfect.
Is that too much to want?

10:19 PM

Monday, September 20, 2010

Hey Bebbz!!

Kimmii Kamikaze (Me) is on Formspring now!!
Do check it out and follow me!!



Oh, and join my Facebook group here too!!

The Legion of Kimmii Kamikaze

Alrighty, ciao!!
xx Kimmii

8:45 PM

I just hate my life.
I hate it.

You know what?
Screw it all.

12:04 AM

Sunday, September 19, 2010


10:07 PM

Chapter 1: Awake

She awoke to the stream of sunshine seeping through the curtains. Perhaps sunshine was too strong a word. Perhaps light would just suffice.
Little lively flecks of dust skated gracefully in that beam of light. Yellow? Not really. More dull than one sees in happy commercials on the television screen.
Lying in bed, she tilted her head ever so slightly, catching a glimpse of her sleeping husband next to her. She smiles and lifts a hand, only to caress the side of his face, feeling the stubble. She snuggled closer to him and buries her nose in his musky scent – A smell so distinct and familiar, for she had awoken to the same scent for years. ‘Years that seem more like mere minutes,’ thought she. Familiar yet so foreign. As if she had forgot the scent.
She cuddled next to him and placed her arms around his torso.
Her supple body lay next to his, and a finger traced a scar – a souvenir from years ago. Resting her head on his chest, she again smiles. Ba-dump. Ba-dump. His heart beat slow, evenly; with the regularity of a soldier’s march. Perhaps at a solemn state event. She breathed in and sighed, not because she was tired, but because she found beauty in listening to her loved one’s beating heart.
Or perhaps it was her own heart; for many a time had he proudly proclaimed that he had given her his heart.
Tilting her head up again, but more this time, she studies his features. As if from memory, he had a strong nose, with a slight dent in the middle. Not straight, slightly crooked but she had always loved it. His lips were not too thin, though they always seemed to either curve up into a small smile or down into a disapproving frown whenever he wasn’t portraying any particular expression. Today, he was wearing a little smile, like a child having a good dream.
His eyes were still closed. ‘Seeing the views of a dreamer,’ she thinks to herself and brushes her fingers through his thick black hair. How fond she was of her husband – He was like a child to her. Her own child; a precious baby boy she wanted to hold on and love forever.
Unwilling to disturb the peaceful dreamer, she slid out of bed slowly and quietly, and tip-toed to the window.
Peeking though the slit of the curtain, she absorbed the beautiful morning. It was a little foggy, but what can a little fog do to such a luscious spring morning? Down at the streets below, she could see two, no, three children running, with a puppy running alongside one of them. They were laughing and clearly having fun, as children ought to have. Across the street, she could see a maiden walking out with a basket, and a couple other women having a leisurely stroll along the grey, cobbled walkway.
‘How picturesque,’ she said in her mind, in a rather curious tone. Perhaps the scene was too perfect. If only Monet could have seen it. It was art brought to life. It was water colours of a sweetly mellow painting animated.
She turned away and looked at her sleeping husband. “It is a wonderful morning today darling.” A slow deep exhalation of air from the man seemed to agree with her statement.
She turned back and the Sun illuminated her fair face. She was the classic example of a pretty young lady. Neither too mature nor elegant enough to be labelled ‘gorgeous’ but she certainly was pretty enough. Wide inquisitive eyes, and an expressive mouth, now smiling yet again to herself while taking in the beautiful scene of the town.
“It is a beautiful day,” she said aloud to reaffirm it, before placing the drapes back down and going back to bed to snuggle more with her other half.
She slides her body close to him and rests her head once again on his chest.
An unexplainable wave of sadness washed over her and we notice a small worrying crease on her forehead. “Why do I feel sad?”
She shakes it off for the moment. She kisses her husband on his lips, brushes through his hair again with her fingers and whispers to him. “I Love You.”

Then, she decided, it was time to go back to being awake.

It was too perfect to be true.

On a spring morning, with the dust still waltzing in the ray of light, an old woman is curled up on her side, hugging close to her a feather filled pillow, and perhaps, we see a glisten fall from her eyes.
Perhaps, we shouldn’t awake the peaceful dreamer.

Kimmii Kamikaze

12:28 AM

Sunday, May 16, 2010

1:29 AM